blackjack4494 / yt-dlc

media downloader and library for various sites.
The Unlicense
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[Feature Request] Code Signing Executables #26

Open warp16 opened 3 years ago

warp16 commented 3 years ago



While code signing is not a panacea, it would reduce the possibility of maliciously modified copies of the binaries, as well as reduce the probability for anti-malware utilities reporting a false positive.

JayBrown commented 3 years ago

Can't comment on other operating systems, but macOS doesn't provide for code-signing (let alone notarizing) of script executables, and in the end youtube-dlc is just a /usr/bin/env python script—with binary data, of course, but still a script. Of course you can always code-sign youtube-dlc, but the code signature will not be embedded, but written as a bunch of extended attributes instead. To transport that signature (i.e. the XAs) to the destination OS, you'd have to tar youtube-dlc, but if the user runs xattr -c youtube-dlc or xattr -d youtube-dlc etc., the signature will be lost.

And macOS Gatekeeper doesn't care either… even though the spctl -a -vvv -t install youtube-dlc command will reject third-party signatures, will print a "code or signature modified" error, if the script was altered after signing, you can run a code-signed & modified script just fine, because it's just a script, and macOS doesn't care about scripts' signatures. Same with the codesign command (signed and unmodifed, then modified after signing):


You have a working signature, everything's fine. You change something, and codesign will print an error, like spctl. But (a) the script will run fine nonetheless, and (b) an attacker could, after modifying the script, just re-sign it, i.e. seal it with a new signature.

So for macOS, code signatures are of no use with regard to youtube-dlc, unless Apple changes the rules. (But requiring scripts to be code-signed would be a usability nightmare imho.)

ThatNerdyPikachu commented 3 years ago

Well, the releases could signed with a PGP (or similar) key that only blackjack has.

JayBrown commented 3 years ago

^ That would be the proper approach, yes.

JayBrown commented 3 years ago

Another option is minisign by @jedisct1

JayBrown commented 3 years ago

What you can do is also distribute the youtube-dlc binary data script in a DMG (formatted as HFS+), which is a proprietary macOS filetype, and DMGs can in fact be code-signed, either with an Apple-issued certificate, or with a third-party certificate, or even ad-hoc. That way the script would also remain executable, and users wouldn't need to run chmod +x after download. But if you sign it with a 3rd-party certificate, it won't open on newer macOS versions unless you remove the quarantine XA after download (example for the latter linked below).

So you'd need an Apple certificate for that… and I fear that would be breaking a butterfly on a wheel.

diegorodriguezv commented 3 years ago

This developer explains very succinctly why code signing sucks for a small project.