Open jbruchon opened 3 years ago
but there are a few outliers like this one that work fine on YouTube and fail in yt-dlc. This might happen to one out of every 2000 videos I archive, but these same videos are failing the same way for multiple weeks across reboots and new program versions.
I know this isn't actually helping you in any way, but linked video downloads fine here:
youtube-dlc -f 137+140 "LIdZ2oPyB1Y" -v > Log.txt 2>&1
[debug] System config: []
[debug] User config: []
[debug] Custom config: []
[debug] Command-line args: ['--ffmpeg-location', '..\\ffmpeg.exe', '-f', '137+140', 'LIdZ2oPyB1Y', '-v']
[debug] Loading archive file None
[debug] Encodings: locale cp1253, fs utf-8, out cp1253, pref cp1253
[debug] youtube-dlc version 2020.11.27
[debug] Python version 3.7.9 (CPython) - Windows-Vista-6.0.6003-SP2
[debug] exe versions: ffmpeg N-97309-g4e0cf81b49, ffprobe N-97309-g4e0cf81b49
[debug] Proxy map: {}
[youtube] LIdZ2oPyB1Y: Downloading webpage
[debug] Invoking downloader on '<snipped>&id=o-AAaI3ZAJCAG8EJ5cpRbKnsYlwh0FJ9ktlfybGDJ6UqcC&itag=137&aitags=133%2C134%2C135%2C136%2C137%2C160%2C242%2C243%2C244%2C247%2C248%2C278&source=youtube&requiressl=yes&mh=wM&mm=31%2C29&mn=sn-4vguioxu-n3bl%2Csn-nv47lnsk&ms=au%2Crdu&mv=m&mvi=1&pl=18&initcwndbps=568750&vprv=1&mime=video%2Fmp4&ns=3Rsi83wvUxNnapvDgnFjRYwF&gir=yes&clen=249849935&dur=1342.720&lmt=1572754520057451&mt=1606614043&fvip=5&keepalive=yes&beids=9466585&c=WEB&txp=1306222&n=L0PDZmJemglMqzD9Mnl&sparams=expire%2Cei%2Cip%2Cid%2Caitags%2Csource%2Crequiressl%2Cvprv%2Cmime%2Cns%2Cgir%2Cclen%2Cdur%2Clmt&sig=AOq0QJ8wRAIgfDmeDn_iOq3KKLlFb_iDfNgo4nBpaKYZgEKu_QPdXB8CIBJrV3pvMl4R6AYgMX8lVMwu7KE149x8L2SM4nnk6C70&lsparams=mh%2Cmm%2Cmn%2Cms%2Cmv%2Cmvi%2Cpl%2Cinitcwndbps&lsig=AG3C_xAwRQIhAO7BpKKKEGzLOZcZ_yUqEsd89ECtTOL89VdxDwrWaH22AiA77MyQ5wDfqLibmjbHiwX_HmZho7FTZFp_pmVbS_2rlQ%3D%3D&ratebypass=yes'
[download] Destination: YouTube BANNING Hacking Videos - Hot Take-LIdZ2oPyB1Y.f137.mp4
[download] 0.0% of 238.28MiB at 124.99KiB/s ETA 32:32
[download] 0.0% of 238.28MiB at 374.96KiB/s ETA 10:50
[download] 0.0% of 238.28MiB at 777.69KiB/s ETA 05:13
[download] 0.0% of 238.28MiB at 1.63MiB/s ETA 02:26
<redacted for brevity>
[download] 99.4% of 238.28MiB at 1.09MiB/s ETA 00:01
[download] 100.0% of 238.28MiB at 1.15MiB/s ETA 00:00
[download] 100.0% of 238.28MiB at 1.16MiB/s ETA 00:00
[download] 100% of 238.28MiB in 02:51
[debug] Invoking downloader on '<snipped>&id=o-AAaI3ZAJCAG8EJ5cpRbKnsYlwh0FJ9ktlfybGDJ6UqcC&itag=140&source=youtube&requiressl=yes&mh=wM&mm=31%2C29&mn=sn-4vguioxu-n3bl%2Csn-nv47lnsk&ms=au%2Crdu&mv=m&mvi=1&pl=18&initcwndbps=568750&vprv=1&mime=audio%2Fmp4&ns=3Rsi83wvUxNnapvDgnFjRYwF&gir=yes&clen=21732228&dur=1342.786&lmt=1572754359851374&mt=1606614043&fvip=5&keepalive=yes&beids=9466585&c=WEB&txp=1301222&n=L0PDZmJemglMqzD9Mnl&sparams=expire%2Cei%2Cip%2Cid%2Citag%2Csource%2Crequiressl%2Cvprv%2Cmime%2Cns%2Cgir%2Cclen%2Cdur%2Clmt&sig=AOq0QJ8wRQIgar_Jx47znDOhQKQKyGyq1oUYfbaG5UGfpAARG-u3a3ICIQDHK9WbHOzKT6qi9A50_fiaXzH9E2oWH1P3LedI_Vm6sQ%3D%3D&lsparams=mh%2Cmm%2Cmn%2Cms%2Cmv%2Cmvi%2Cpl%2Cinitcwndbps&lsig=AG3C_xAwRQIhAO7BpKKKEGzLOZcZ_yUqEsd89ECtTOL89VdxDwrWaH22AiA77MyQ5wDfqLibmjbHiwX_HmZho7FTZFp_pmVbS_2rlQ%3D%3D&ratebypass=yes'
[download] Destination: YouTube BANNING Hacking Videos - Hot Take-LIdZ2oPyB1Y.f140.m4a
[download] 0.0% of 20.73MiB at 19.61KiB/s ETA 18:02
[download] 0.0% of 20.73MiB at 58.82KiB/s ETA 06:00
[download] 0.0% of 20.73MiB at 134.60KiB/s ETA 02:37
[download] 0.1% of 20.73MiB at 288.43KiB/s ETA 01:13
<redacted for brevity>
[download] 98.3% of 20.73MiB at 1.35MiB/s ETA 00:00
[download] 100.0% of 20.73MiB at 1.45MiB/s ETA 00:00
[download] 100% of 20.73MiB in 00:14
[ffmpeg] Merging formats into "YouTube BANNING Hacking Videos - Hot Take-LIdZ2oPyB1Y.mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: "D:\<snipped>\ffmpeg" -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:YouTube BANNING Hacking Videos - Hot Take-LIdZ2oPyB1Y.f137.mp4" -i "file:YouTube BANNING Hacking Videos - Hot Take-LIdZ2oPyB1Y.f140.m4a" -c copy -map "0:v:0" -map "1:a:0" "file:YouTube BANNING Hacking Videos - Hot Take-LIdZ2oPyB1Y.temp.mp4"
Deleting original file YouTube BANNING Hacking Videos - Hot Take-LIdZ2oPyB1Y.f140.m4a (pass -k to keep)
Deleting original file YouTube BANNING Hacking Videos - Hot Take-LIdZ2oPyB1Y.f137.mp4 (pass -k to keep)
Both elementary streams are being served from a
one mention of the server yt-dlc is trying in the list; it shows 0 bytes transferred.
And that's because your browser can't establish a secure connection with domain
I suggest you try and find why that is (modified hosts file? Firewall rules? AV suite? TLS/cipher issues?) ...
Can you ping that server?
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6003]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=174ms TTL=119
Reply from bytes=32 time=173ms TTL=119
Reply from bytes=32 time=175ms TTL=119
Reply from bytes=32 time=175ms TTL=119
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 173ms, Maximum = 175ms, Average = 174ms
If your IP pool is digitally hoarding from that node, then it might have been blocked; have you tried whether a different IP (via, e.g., VPN, secure shell, etc.) works for that specific googlevideo domain?
it seems that the servers yt-dlc is picking up don't actually work.
How do you propose this is fixed, if at all a yt-dlc issue? Is there logic inside the youtubecomIE to try a different CDN node if the first chosen one fails to connect? Since your browser also can't connect to that culprit yt CDN, it would appear a more general connection issue is affecting your particular environment...
If the browser switches servers on connection failure, the program should do so as well. I appreciate the effort you put into your response, but the specifics of my environment are largely irrelevant since the video DOES work in multiple browsers from the same machine.
Probably related issue: #258
@pukkandan I've had those come up before too.
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=58ms TTL=123
Reply from bytes=32 time=55ms TTL=123
Reply from bytes=32 time=55ms TTL=123
Reply from bytes=32 time=59ms TTL=123
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 55ms, Maximum = 59ms, Average = 56ms
Probably related issue:
Nice catch! But the errors printed are somewhat different:
[debug] Invoking downloader on ''
ERROR: unable to download video data: <urlopen error [WinError 10051] A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network>
[debug] Invoking downloader on ''
ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
i.e. <urlopen error [WinError 10051] A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network> Vs HTTP Error 404: Not Found
which, to me at least, means in the latter case the connection is being established to the node, but that then returns a 404 response; in this issue, yt-dlc
doesn't even manage to connect at all (???)
This is odd. Works fine for me. But I saw some other people having similar problems.
Okay I tried some urls multiple times and this error is not consistent for me but sometimes pop up.
The thing that bugs me is that I've had this happen on the same few videos across hundreds of channel archives I now maintain; they simply never successfully download, so I see the downloads jam up on them for about a minute each (TCP connection establishment timeout(s), I assume) when they occur before the failure code gets thrown up and it moves on. I could use other tools to download the videos if I had the patience to snag their ID codes and manually go fetch them. The bigger problem is that this prevents me from downloading every video on a channel (thus never getting a truly complete archive) when it occurs and it persists no matter what I do network-wise on my end.
Verbose log
When I archive whole channels, some videos may fail to download due to copyright claims, but there are a few outliers like this one that work fine on YouTube and fail in yt-dlc. This might happen to one out of every 2000 videos I archive, but these same videos are failing the same way for multiple weeks across reboots and new program versions. I noticed that Waterfox seems to be using different servers than yt-dlc for some reason; it seems that the servers yt-dlc is picking up don't actually work. Here's a sample of the network traffic dev console panel for that video:
Also, there does appear to be one mention of the server yt-dlc is trying in the list; it shows 0 bytes transferred.