blackknight467 / StarRatingBundle

star rating bundle for symfony
MIT License
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still works with Symfony 2? #12

Open gv-rayalab opened 7 years ago

gv-rayalab commented 7 years ago

Im tryng to use this bundle with a Symfony 2 app but i got an error, is only for Symfony 3 now?


blackknight467 commented 7 years ago


For symfony 2, use version 1.*

blackknight467 commented 7 years ago

I've also updated the master readme to refelect this. Apologies for the confusion.

gv-rayalab commented 7 years ago

thanks for the fast response =), i tried with that version but give me this error when i add this line "new blackknight467\StarRatingBundle\StarRatingBundle()" to the appKernel

The file "/vendor/blackknight467/star-rating-bundle/blackknight467/StarRatingBundle/DependencyInjection/../Resources/config/services.yml" does not contain valid YAML

ParseException in Inline.php line 316: The reserved indicator "@" cannot start a plain scalar; you need to quote the scalar at line 13 (near "- @service_container").

blackknight467 commented 7 years ago

@gv-rayalab which version of symfony 2 exactly are you using?

gv-rayalab commented 7 years ago

2.8.13 Thanks!

davidromani commented 7 years ago

I'm using it with Symfony 2 without problems, @gv-rayalab can you copy your composer.json declaration?