blackknight467 / StarRatingBundle

star rating bundle for symfony
MIT License
26 stars 40 forks source link

Read only field #4

Closed Valousegawa closed 8 years ago

Valousegawa commented 8 years ago


I am actually using your bundle, and it is quite handy ! One problem thou : stars cannot be on readonly.

In fact, I have tried :

$builder->add("rating", "rating", array(
                    "label" => 'Rating',
                    "read_only" => true

Field is on readonly attribute :


but I can still modify stars rating.

Is it a solution ?

Kind Regards,

blackknight467 commented 8 years ago

@Valousegawa , thanks to @glynnforrest there is now a fix. tag v1.0.3

Valousegawa commented 8 years ago

Ok I got it, I'll test that ASAP. Thanks for reply.