blackknight467 / StarRatingBundle

star rating bundle for symfony
MIT License
26 stars 40 forks source link

Is it possible to use it in a Handlebars file ? #9

Closed odecharette closed 7 years ago

odecharette commented 8 years ago

Hi !

I'm using your bundle, and it is exactly what I need ! Working perfectly with Twig

My problem is that I now use handlebarsjs template file for a specific functionality in my symfony app. Is there a equivalent of {{ someInteger|rating }} for handlebars ??


blackknight467 commented 8 years ago

@odecharette Currently StarRatingBundle only supports twig. It shouldn't be too hard to add a handlebar helper though. If you look in Extensions/StarRatingExtension.php you'll notice that the rating extension is basically just passing off the variables to a template to render. If you decide to do this feel free to submit it as a pull request as i'd love to include handlebar support if possible.