blacklabelops / volumerize

Docker Volume Backups Multiple Backends
MIT License
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volumerize multi backup creates not defined volume #102

Open TheaterLina opened 2 years ago

TheaterLina commented 2 years ago

Hi support team,

I'm an absolute beginner in the docker world, but I faced a behavior which I do not understand. Maybe you can support here:

My goal is to backup each volume in a different mount directory. I have currently two volumes, one for bitwarden and one for portainer data. I'm running following command:

docker run -d \ --name volumerize \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -v bitwarden_data:/source/bitwarden_data:ro \ -v portainer_data:/source/portainer_data:ro \ -v /volume2/docker/volumerize/bitwarden_data:/backup/bitwarden_data \ -v /volume2/docker/volumerize/portainer_data:/backup/portainer_data \ -v volumerize_cache_bitwarden:/volumerize-cache/bitwarden \ -v volumerize_cache_portainer:/volumerize-cache/portainer \ -e "VOLUMERIZE_CONTAINERS=bitwarden portainer" \ -e "TZ=Europe/Berlin" \ -e "VOLUMERIZE_JOBBER_TIME=0 0 3 *" \ -e "VOLUMERIZE_SOURCE1=/source/bitwarden_data" \ -e "VOLUMERIZE_TARGET1=file:///backup/bitwarden_data" \ -e "VOLUMERIZE_CACHE1=/volumerize-cache/bitwarden" \ -e "VOLUMERIZE_SOURCE2=/source/portainer_data" \ -e "VOLUMERIZE_TARGET2=file:///backup/portainer_data" \ -e "VOLUMERIZE_CACHE2=/volumerize-cache/portainer" \ blacklabelops/volumerize

after running the stuff and triggering a manual backup, it looks good. I see some files in each mount directory and also some data in each volumerize_cache volume. But it seems that in addition a additional volume was created with a cryptic ID: 0f6567cc6d2925475fb6e2df8bd726da7e2c8bf00fa11048ca71a5b808063f5f, containing two empty folders with name "bitwarden" and "portainer". This is what I didn't get.

Second question: When running two instances of volumerize, for each volume a dedicated instance, can I share the volumerize_cache volume? Do you have a template code for running two instances?

Sorry for those newbie questions, but sometimes it work's and sometime you learn. Today I learn ;-) And the most important stuff: Thanks for this great software!!!

All the Best, Lina

blacklabelops commented 2 years ago

I strongly advice to NOT share a duplicity cache! Duplicity cannot handle this. Each duplicity backup routine must have its own cache.

I do not know where the cryptic (docker-)volume comes from.

TheaterLina commented 2 years ago

Hi blacklabelops,

thanks for your feedback.

I do not know where the cryptic (docker-)volume comes from.

Does that mean, that my docker -run statement seems to be ok?

I'm not sure regarding the subfolders for /source, /backup and /cache. e.g: -v volumerize_cache_bitwarden:/volumerize-cache/bitwarden -v volumerize_cache_portainer:/volumerize-cache/portainer is it ok to create subfolders in/source, /backup and /volumerize-cache?

second point I'm not sure about the XXX1 and XXX2 paths. -e "VOLUMERIZE_SOURCE1=/source/bitwarden_data" -e "VOLUMERIZE_TARGET1=file:///backup/bitwarden_data" -e "VOLUMERIZE_CACHE1=/volumerize-cache/bitwarden"

for my understanding VOLUMERIZE_SOURCE1 is a fix parameter/name and the mapping is the same like for my volume. Same for VOLUMERIZE_TARGET1 and VOLUMERIZE_CACHE1, right? Would be great to get some confirmation if my statements are looking good or not.

Thanks so much and Best Regards!