blacklizard / gigabyte-z390-aorus-pro-wifi-hackintosh-opencore

Opencore Hackintosh Gigabyte Z390 Aorus Pro Wifi
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Not an actual issue, just a report on bios 12K. #21

Closed TreyM closed 3 years ago

TreyM commented 3 years ago

I am on bios 12K which gives the motherboard the resizable BAR (AMD calls it Smart Access Memory) feature. I can confirm that the current setup still works fine on 12K, however for my hardware at least (I have a 6800 XT) enabling resizable BAR will fail macOS boot. This is obviously not your fault in any way. I am not certain if this is due to RBAR just completely breaking macOS boot, or if it's down to the fact that I have the PCIE GPU disabled in opencore while having this feature enabled. (Perhaps confusing opencore/macOS?)

I am beginning to become skeptical that we will ever see RX 6000 driver support in macOS, but if it ever comes, I will test again and see if enabling RBAR still breaks boot then. Or perhaps you can get the OS to boot with RBAR enabled on a future config update (no worries if not).

Just FYI to those wondering why I was trying to enable the feature when macOS has no use for it, I actually dual boot Windows 10 and do gaming there and RBAR is beneficial in that scenario. For now, going forward, I'm simply enabling the feature when I boot windows, and disabling when I boot macOS. It's a bit clunky, but for now it's working like this.

TreyM commented 3 years ago

As of Big Sur 11.4 beta, the 6800, 6800 XT, and 6900 XT are supported on macOS. Enabling Resizable BAR still halts boot on Opencore for everyone with an RDNA2 card from what I've seen. So, it must be left disabled to boot macOS. Maybe the future will bring some way to disable the feature from an Opencore quirk or something. Dunno...