blackrim / treePL

Phylogenetic penalized likelihood
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problem with mrca and tiny branch length at internal node. #55

Closed BiodeB closed 3 years ago

BiodeB commented 3 years ago

Dear Experts,

This is my first run with treePL program for priming analysis and got message like

set thorough: true (MAY TAKE A WHILE)
setting log penalty
PRIMING the optimization parameters and then exiting
outfile: prime_outTreeRax
finished reading config file
using system clock for random number seed = 1611032383
tiny branch length at internal node. setting to 5.2042675e-06
problem with mrca DIP (probably no mrca named this)

But no output file has been generated even I have multiplied branch length with 10^6 following Kévin J. L. Maurin tutorial, but the this tiny branch length message is coming. Moreover I could not understand why the mrca could not recognizes DIP that I have already mentioned in the config file. My configuration file is like that

[1 Input tree]

treefile = 335TemTRax10e6.tre

[2 General command]

numsites = 192150

[3 Calibration command]

mrca DIP taxon23 taxon42
min = DIP 230
max = DIP 290

mrca TRE taxon15 taxon43
max = TRE 325

[4 Priming command]


[5 Best optimisation param]

[6 Cross-validation analysis]

[7 Best smooting value]

[8 Output]

outfile = prime_outTreeRax

And Tree File is


It will be an immense help if someone kindly correct me.

BiodeB commented 3 years ago

Apology, This is a silly mistake = needed after mrcain the config file. However the tiny branch length message is still persist.