blacktwin / JBOPS

Just a Bunch Of Plex Scripts
1.64k stars 305 forks source link - blur not removed #401

Closed imTHAI closed 9 months ago

imTHAI commented 9 months ago


First, thank you for all your work. I'm using the script to blur the thumbnails of the TV shows that I've not yet watched and it works well (I'm using the parameters --blur 25 --upload ) It runs in a docker container as my Plex server.

The problem is with removing the blur when the watched action is triggered.

Tautulli Notifiers :: Trying to run notify script: /config/, arguments: ['--rating_key', '11559', '--remove'], action: watched

But the blur is not removed. Did I forget something ?


imTHAI commented 9 months ago

I found out that I have to use --upload parameter also for the "watched" action.