blacktwin / JBOPS

Just a Bunch Of Plex Scripts
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New Automatic Labeling of newly added items in plex based on filepath #420

Open DaTurkeyslayer opened 5 months ago

DaTurkeyslayer commented 5 months ago

Added functionality to allow dynamic labeling of items added to plex based on the filepath of the new item. Supports multiple file paths if the media item is stored in multiple folders. (e.g. - Charlie and Sarah both own the same movie, putting the file into both Charlie and Sarah's folder, the script does support tagging the item with both tags accordingly)

This is ESPECIALLY helpful for plex managers who don't want to have to individually manage/update plex metadata for the same item across potentially many different plex libraries and plex treats each library as unique, or managers who simply still want to see all content in one place and one library item on the "left panel" to keep things clean and simple.

Examples of use cases:

DaTurkeyslayer commented 5 months ago

@blacktwin - do you have any feedback? I would love to get this up and usable for folks if possible!