blackwinter / unicode

Unicode normalization library. (Mirror of Yoshida-san's code base to maintain the RubyGem.)
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No methods exposed under Rubinus #3

Closed hron84 closed 11 years ago

hron84 commented 11 years ago

I using Rubinius and I cannot call methods on Unicode module:

rbx-head :011 > require 'unicode'
 => true
rbx-head :007 > Unicode.class
 => Module 
rbx-head :008 > Unicode.respond_to? :upcase
 => false 
rbx-head :009 > Unicode.respond_to? :downcase
blackwinter commented 11 years ago

i don't know if rubinius is supported at all. you'd have to contact yoshida-san for any assistance on this issue.

hron84 commented 11 years ago

I think Rubinius is not differs from MRI in too many things. There is few missing C API, but this gem is compiles without any problem...

blackwinter commented 11 years ago

please note that this repository is only a mirror to maintain the ruby gem. any issues regarding the code itself have to be discussed with the original author.