blackwinter / unicode

Unicode normalization library. (Mirror of Yoshida-san's code base to maintain the RubyGem.)
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Include explicit license text #7

Closed danc86 closed 9 years ago

danc86 commented 10 years ago

I'm working on packaging this gem for Fedora. We always include the license text with each package, but this gem doesn't include any explicit license text.

Currently the README says:

You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
term as Ruby.

so I can include the Ruby license verbatim in the package, but that's a little bit ambiguous.

The first problem is that the Ruby license gives the option of redistribution under 2-clause BSD, but it's not clear if the same option applies to this gem. And if it does, the BSD license requires a copy be included in the source distribution, but there is no copy in this gem.

The other problem is that the Ruby license includes the original Ruby author's name, and references to other files (BSDL and LEGAL) in the Ruby distribution, which don't make sense if applied to this gem.

It would be great if you could add an explicit license text to the gem to clarify.

blackwinter commented 10 years ago

While I think your objections are valid, I suggest you contact Yoshida Masato directly. AFAIK he doesn't watch this repository and I can't/won't act on his behalf, I'm only mirroring his source code in order to release it as a gem.