Normally compacting drawer will take oreDict versions of each item but it will not accept the IE block of coal coke once the railcraft version is in the drawer. It will take the IE coal coke individual pieces.
Additionally, the Railcraft Blast Furnace will not accept either the single or block of coal coke from IE, or the T-Steelworks block of charcoal. It will only take vanilla charcoal pieces, and Railcraft single or block of coal coke.
Normally compacting drawer will take oreDict versions of each item but it will not accept the IE block of coal coke once the railcraft version is in the drawer. It will take the IE coal coke individual pieces.
Additionally, the Railcraft Blast Furnace will not accept either the single or block of coal coke from IE, or the T-Steelworks block of charcoal. It will only take vanilla charcoal pieces, and Railcraft single or block of coal coke.