blahah / mozilla_science_fellowship

Keeping track of my work during my Mozilla Science Lab Fellowship
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Knowledge mapping - what don't I know? #1

Open blahah opened 8 years ago

blahah commented 8 years ago

Major topics that I know I don't know enough about:

What I've done so far:

blahah commented 8 years ago

I know a reasonable amount about copyright and other intellectual property. But this could be greatly expanded. Add some IP law experts to my brain dump request list.

Stuff to read:

People to approach:

blahah commented 8 years ago

[history, science, strategy, process] of [activism, changing institutions, changing laws, changing people's minds]

some reading suggestions from Greg Wilson:

suggestions from a friend, a former historian who does corporate top team coaching and management consulting:

blahah commented 8 years ago

Discussion with two historians on history of change

Discussion with corporate management people on affecting publishers:

David MacLelland (Harvard) - Human Motivation <- about types of power Motives & values - myers briggs

blahah commented 8 years ago

Intersection of IP and history of (academic) publishing

suggestions from Charles Oppenheim

I'll follow up by meeting with Charles after reading Burke & Pedley.

blahah commented 8 years ago

Orthogonal to all the subjects covered so far - I used to have a strong interest in design. Time to revive this with a focus on design of materials for communicating and teaching science, for convincing and motivating audiences. Collecting some resources here:

blahah commented 8 years ago

General relevant reading recommendations from Titus Brown:

blahah commented 8 years ago

Found the graffiti lettering book in Modulor in Berlin!