blahah / mozilla_science_fellowship

Keeping track of my work during my Mozilla Science Lab Fellowship
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Bootcamp adventures #25

Open blahah opened 8 years ago

blahah commented 8 years ago

A sprint project, in which I turn into a modular system for browser-based teaching of any command-line-based materials (e.g. bioinformatics stuff, data science, devops, server management, etc...).

This is my initial rough plan...

Seed ideas:

research > design > implementation > user testing


  • Reach out to people who do computational teaching
  • Ask for reviews of existing bootcamp example
  • Discuss how they would want to use it
  • Maybe design a survey to solicit initial feedback and then seek more detailed discussion


  • Persona exercise
  • Route mapping exercise
joeyklee commented 8 years ago

Very cool - I think would be great is maybe some demo materials + a video to explain why and how command line knowledge is an important skill. Also, as we saw in the P5.js "hello" video - it is welcoming for users that might not immediately understand how cool it actually is to be able to automagically change 10000 file names using the command line, etc.

blahah commented 8 years ago

Ooh that's a nice idea! Like a showcase of what cool stuff you can do from the command-line. I'm now wondering if there could be a clihub or someting, a site where you can pick any community-provided tutorial for learning something at the command line, and launch it in your browser...

joeyklee commented 8 years ago

Yes! It would be great to use the "remix" idea like the Mozilla Thimble or to have like a roadmap of commandline adventures

blahah commented 8 years ago

Planning a small, painless survey to collect community feedback about which features are useful or which frustrations they feel with current tools: Thanks to @stephwright for dropping science on me about how to make awesome surveys.

stephwright commented 8 years ago

Was thinking abt the idea of having some small group review your survey for usability / readability and realized you have a built-in group here that would a) be likely to respond, b) respond quickly, and c) wouldn't draw from your pool of likely survey respondents. :)

blahah commented 8 years ago

Excellent point!