blaise-io / acelink

Play Ace Streams on macOS using Docker.
MIT License
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Docker version #55

Closed Githeo closed 1 month ago

Githeo commented 1 year ago

Hi, is there a specific requirement on the docker version? Docker version (I know quite old but is the one for high sierra) seems not to be recognized:

Screen Shot 2022-10-01 at 16 04 53

Thank you.

damt983 commented 1 year ago

Same happends to me

hithisisfun commented 1 year ago

did there end up being a way of solving this, the same happens to me.

edudediegolucas commented 1 year ago

Same for BigSur: imagen


$ docker --version
Docker version 20.10.24, build 297e128

and ace-link app version 2.0.2.

viktordavidovich commented 1 year ago

Same for me, docker version is 20.10.24

blaise-io commented 1 year ago

I'm likely detecting whether Docker is installed the wrong way. ( I did this to support Colima, which is a Docker replacement, instead of detecting a correct BundleID but apparently running docker without parameters may exit with an error status.

blaise-io commented 1 year ago

@edudediegolucas @viktordavidovich what do you get for docker; echo $?; which docker?

blaise-io commented 1 year ago

Alternatively, does this work for you guys?

viktordavidovich commented 1 year ago

@edudediegolucas @viktordavidovich what do you get for docker; echo $?; which docker?

@blaise-io I'm getting this /usr/local/bin/docker Long story short, I had to uninstall docker which has been already installed before ace-link. I've done the same for VLC player (has been installed before) Then I called brew install ace-link --cask and now ace-link works fine.

blaise-io commented 1 year ago

Thanks @viktordavidovich.

I created which slightly changes the detection of docker. If anyone still has issues, please open and report your output of docker; echo $?; docker --version; echo $?; which docker

edudediegolucas commented 1 year ago

@edudediegolucas @viktordavidovich what do you get for docker; echo $?; which docker?

@blaise-io this where my docker is (I installed via brew long time ago):


Recently, I had to change my PATH env to apps folder because latest docker versions provided the possibility of having binaries in non-sudo folders: I noticed also that when upgrading via brew, it does not ask for sudo password anymore.

And I have updated as well the app to the new 2.0.3 version I have still the Docker is required... message.

Thanks for your time, really appreciated.

blaise-io commented 1 year ago

I can solve this but it gets a bit ugly: I can find and run Docker by BundleID, but Ace Link also sort of supports Colima and possibly other runtimes in the future, so then I'd have to list those BundleID's as well. But I don't know which BundleID would be preferred by the user, so then it gets messy. It's probably best to rely for now on the docker that's on the PATH.

marcosdiak commented 1 year ago

@edudediegolucas @viktordavidovich what do you get for docker; echo $?; which docker?

@blaise-io I'm getting this /usr/local/bin/docker Long story short, I had to uninstall docker which has been already installed before ace-link. I've done the same for VLC player (has been installed before) Then I called brew install ace-link --cask and now ace-link works fine.

This worked for me too. Thanks.

josephxk commented 1 year ago

This happened for me too, Docker version 20.10.24 and Ace link 2.05, on an M1. When I first installed Docker, the CLI tools were installed under ~/.docker/bin and Ace link could not detect Docker. Going into Docker's settings > advanced and changing the location of the CLI tools to /usr/local/bin fixed it for me.

How about adding ~/.docker/bin to the PATH in the detection process?

blaise-io commented 1 year ago

For those who don't have docker in their path, can you verify this build works?

If it does not work, please paste the log of Ace Link in this issue. You can retrieve the log like this:

  1. Open
  2. In search box, type Process: Ace Link and press enter
  3. Click on Start or Start streaming
  4. Open this Ace Link build
  5. It should now start populating with debug information, Cmd+A, Cmd+C and then Cmd+V in this issue
edudediegolucas commented 1 year ago

Hey @blaise-io , I finally have Ace Link working ;) I did 2 main things, first, change docker location here:


and secondly, working with IntelliJ and docker gave me another hint (honestly don't know if this was the issue):


I simply symlinked my home docker.sock to the one in /var/run via sudo.

Anyway, IMO, the first option is more suitable to be the solution to my problem but I put the second if anyone has any other related issue. Thanks for the help!

blaise-io commented 1 year ago

Thanks @edudediegolucas, I'm glad you got it working :)

For those who still having issues finding Docker, please try, because it attempts to find the docker cli inside