blaise-io / acelink

Play Ace Streams on macOS using Docker.
MIT License
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The disk space usage is too high. #71

Closed w316525096 closed 8 months ago

w316525096 commented 9 months ago


~$ docker ps -s
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                      COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS                  PORTS                                                 NAMES               SIZE
6ef176ba7089   blaiseio/acelink           "/opt/acestream/star…"   18 hours ago   Up 15 hours (healthy)>6878/tcp, :::6878->6878/tcp, 8621/tcp   hardcore_lovelace   10.8GB (virtual 11GB)

After running for 15 hours, the disk space occupied is 10 GB. Is this the cache for video streaming?

aashrxf commented 9 months ago

Any way to access the web interface to control cache location and size? Might be useful for cases like these.

w316525096 commented 8 months ago

Periodically delete the cache in docker

PC:~$ docker ps -s
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                      COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS                 PORTS                                                 NAMES                 SIZE
16c02a33b84d   blaiseio/acelink           "/opt/acestream/star…"   11 days ago    Up 11 days (healthy)>6878/tcp, :::6878->6878/tcp, 8621/tcp   gifted_lederberg      4MB (virtual 251MB)

crontab -e

00 10,17,01 * * * docker exec gifted_lederberg bash -c "find /root/.ACEStream/.acestream_cache/live.* -delete"
01 10,17,01 * * * docker exec gifted_lederberg bash -c "find /root/.ACEStream/.acestream_cache/hls.* -delete"
