blaisewf / rvc-cli

🚀 RVC + UVR = A perfect set of tools for voice cloning, easily and free!
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When I install it, no models are downloaded. #73

Closed juangea closed 2 weeks ago

juangea commented 2 weeks ago

I did the install with Install.bat, everything went well, but then I try to infer (I laready have a pth file with a cloned voice and it index) and it tell sme that it can't find, I manually downloaded it, but then I get an assertion error saying:

AssertionError: Could not infer task type from {'_name': 'contentvec_pretraining', 'data': 'metadata', 'fine_tuning': False, 'labels': ['km'], 'label_dir': 'label', 'label_rate': 50, 'sample_rate': 16000, 'normalize': False, 'enable_padding': False, 'max_keep_size': None, 'max_sample_size': 250000, 'min_sample_size': 32000, 'single_target': False, 'random_crop': True, 'crop': True, 'pad_audio': False, 'spk2info': 'spk2info.dict'}. Available argparse tasks: dict_keys(['audio_pretraining', 'audio_finetuning', 'cross_lingual_lm', 'denoising', 'speech_to_text', 'text_to_speech', 'frm_text_to_speech', 'hubert_pretraining', 'language_modeling', 'legacy_masked_lm', 'masked_lm', 'multilingual_denoising', 'multilingual_language_modeling', 'multilingual_masked_lm', 'speech_unit_modeling', 'translation', 'multilingual_translation', 'online_backtranslation', 'semisupervised_translation', 'sentence_prediction', 'sentence_prediction_adapters', 'sentence_ranking', 'simul_speech_to_text', 'simul_text_to_text', 'speech_to_speech', 'translation_from_pretrained_bart', 'translation_from_pretrained_xlm', 'translation_lev', 'translation_multi_simple_epoch', 'dummy_lm', 'dummy_masked_lm', 'dummy_mt']). Available hydra tasks: dict_keys(['audio_pretraining', 'audio_finetuning', 'hubert_pretraining', 'language_modeling', 'masked_lm', 'multilingual_language_modeling', 'speech_unit_modeling', 'translation', 'sentence_prediction', 'sentence_prediction_adapters', 'simul_text_to_text', 'translation_from_pretrained_xlm', 'translation_lev', 'dummy_lm', 'dummy_masked_lm'])

How can I download the models, and how can I avoid this problem?

BTW just in case this is the problem, the audio is in spanish, and I've been able to process it with no problem with RVC-Web-UI

juangea commented 2 weeks ago

The link is not working it seems.

When I use the link it says it's not working, if I remove the rlkey and other data, it says the file is secured and that I have to create an account

Update: I logged in with an old account I had, still can't download it, it says something went wrong.

juangea commented 2 weeks ago

It's the same link, it's not working I'm afraid image

juangea commented 2 weeks ago

I downloaded the models from Applio hugging face repo, that solved this problem.