blak3r / yaai

SugarCRM Asterisk integration
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Edit call instead of creating new #171

Open tatarenko opened 10 years ago

tatarenko commented 10 years ago

I played with yaai and have only one thing that make me not happy - work with planing feature calls.

Before start using yaai my work with calls was: 1) I Create call, set reminder and mark it as planned 2) Waiting call time 3) Making the call 4) Edit call - make it Held, enter information about the call in description field 5) Duplicate call to make new planned call, or use "Close and Create" button So, it is one call record - planned; and after call is processed - held.

But with yaai planning the call is not so comfortable 1) I Create call, set reminder and mark it as planned 2) Waiting call time 3) Making the call 4) yaai create new record, may be with my description entered in popup window So, now i have 2 call record - planned and yaai and I need to concatenate them or delete one of them.

It could be better: 1) If call have associated accounts or contacts 2) Is it planned calls associated with our account or contact 3) Let user chose: is it new call or one of planned earlier (RadioButton) 4) If picked one of planned earlier - update this record, not create new

blak3r commented 10 years ago

I'm working on something to fix this... but in a slightly different way.

I felt we made logging calls super easy... but you still had to create follow up reminders and tasks which slowed ya down. My solution was to use natural language processing on the call notes box. What that means is in your call note say you had "Talked to Joe, he needs to talk to IT. Follow up next week" We detect the "Follow up next week" and create a follow up task.

In my mind... I was thinking you would always create tasks as your reminders... and Calls would simply be a module which stores "actual calls"... But, I can see using the Calls Held vs. Not held feature too...

I have the task processing part done already. The next step is showing a list of tasks from which you can initiate calls from... (closing the task for you automatically in the process)...

Email me at blake [at], I'd like to discuss this workflow more with you and give you a sneak peak.

Note: This feature is part of a new platform which I've yet to publish on our website... It's not part of the callinize community edition unfortunately.