blake-regalia / graphy.js

A collection of RDF libraries for JavaScript
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is there a community group for general questions? #28

Open pwin opened 4 years ago

pwin commented 4 years ago

Hi. I've a general question and wonder if there's a forum for these questions?

My question is, I am trying to create a dataset from a turtle string "value" in an editor pane using the following

` function createStream (s) { const resumer = require('resumer'); var stream = resumer(); stream.queue(s); return stream; } function ingestTurtle(value){ const ttl_read = require('@graphy/'); const dataset = require('@graphy/');

let y_input_a = dataset(); createStream(value) .pipe(ttl_read()) .pipe(y_input_a);


Is this a correct interpretation of the code? If so, how can I iterate through the subjects and how in can I then find the predicates and objects for each subject?

blake-regalia commented 4 years ago

Thanks for asking, there is now the graphy-js/community chat room on gitter. I should add a badge to the README.

As for your question, you don't need to use createStream, graphy will do this for you. Just pass the string directly to the ttl_read function and pipe it onto the dataset. Then you can iterate the dataset or use Dataset#match method to fetch predicates and objects belonging to a certain subject, etc.

const ttl_read = require('@graphy/');
const dataset = require('@graphy/');

let y_dataset_a = dataset();
  .on('finish', () => {
    // dataset is now ready in memory, you can iterate using [Symbol.iterator]
    for(let g_quad of y_dataset_a) {

    // or match
    for(let g_quad of y_dataset_a.match(factory.namedNode(''))) {
       // ...