blake-regalia / graphy.js

A collection of RDF libraries for JavaScript
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Error: A relative or prefixed node must include a ':' character. #54

Closed tpluscode closed 2 years ago

tpluscode commented 2 years ago

I'm seeing an error when trying to pretty-serialise the graph below using c4 terms in turtle. I cannot exactly place it but the problem is somewhere with the RDF List at the end

I think that the triples are correct, coming from a SHACL engine. Can you

_:report <> <> .
_:report <> _:b81775 .
_:report <> "false"^^<> .
_:b81775 <> <> .
_:b81775 <> <> .
_:b81775 <> <> .
_:b81775 <> _:b77389 .
_:b81775 <> <> .
_:b81775 <> <> .
_:b81775 <> "Value does not have shape Blank node b77390" .
_:b81775 <> _:b81773 .
_:b81775 <> _:b81774 .
_:b81775 <> _:b79599 .
_:b77389 <> <> .
_:b77389 <> "1"^^<> .
_:b77389 <> "1"^^<> .
_:b77389 <> _:b77390 .
_:b81773 <> <> .
_:b81773 <> <> .
_:b81773 <> <> .
_:b81773 <> _:b77391 .
_:b81773 <> _:b79599 .
_:b81773 <> _:b77392 .
_:b81773 <> "Missing expected value 2020-11-10" .
_:b81774 <> <> .
_:b81774 <> <> .
_:b81774 <> <> .
_:b81774 <> _:b77394 .
_:b81774 <> _:b79599 .
_:b81774 <> _:b77395 .
_:b81774 <> "Missing expected value 2021-11-09" .
_:b77390 <> _:b77391 .
_:b77390 <> _:b77394 .
_:b77391 <> _:b77392 .
_:b77391 <> "1"^^<> .
_:b77391 <> "2020-11-10"^^<> .
_:b77392 <> <> .
_:b77392 <> _:b77393 .
_:b77394 <> _:b77395 .
_:b77394 <> "1"^^<> .
_:b77394 <> "2021-11-09"^^<> .
_:b77395 <> <> .
_:b77395 <> _:b77396 .
_:b77393 <> <> .
_:b77393 <> <> .
_:b77396 <> <> .
_:b77396 <> <> .

Here's the full stack

Error: A relative or prefixed node must include a ':' character. 
Invalid concise-term string for node: '0'
    at Object.c1_prefixed_node (/Volumes/Home/projects/github/data-mazes/vehicle-park-import/node_modules/@graphy/
    at Object.c1_node_explicit (/Volumes/Home/projects/github/data-mazes/vehicle-park-import/node_modules/@graphy/
    at Object.c1_named_node (/Volumes/Home/projects/github/data-mazes/vehicle-park-import/node_modules/@graphy/
    at Turtle_Writer._serialize_c3 (/Volumes/Home/projects/github/data-mazes/vehicle-park-import/node_modules/@graphy/content.ttl.write/main.js:270:32)
    at Turtle_Writer._serialize_c4 (/Volumes/Home/projects/github/data-mazes/vehicle-park-import/node_modules/@graphy/core.class.writable/main.js:244:20)
    at Turtle_Writer.serialize (/Volumes/Home/projects/github/data-mazes/vehicle-park-import/node_modules/@graphy/core.class.scribable/main.js:273:27)
    at Turtle_Writer._transform (/Volumes/Home/projects/github/data-mazes/vehicle-park-import/node_modules/@graphy/core.class.scribable/main.js:173:19)

And this is the c4 JSON I pass to the serializer

  "*": {
    "_:report": {
      "a": [
      "sh:result": [
          "a": [
          "sh:resultSeverity": [
          "sh:sourceConstraintComponent": [
          "sh:sourceShape": [
              "sh:path": [
              "sh:maxCount": [
              "sh:minCount": [
              "sh:node": [
                  "sh:property": [
                      "sh:path": [
                      "sh:maxCount": [
                      "sh:hasValue": [
          "sh:focusNode": [
          "sh:resultPath": [
          "sh:resultMessage": [
            "\"Value does not have shape Blank node b77396"
          "sh:detail": [
              "a": [
              "sh:resultSeverity": [
              "sh:sourceConstraintComponent": [
              "sh:sourceShape": [
              "sh:focusNode": [
              "sh:resultPath": [
              "sh:resultMessage": [
                "\"Missing expected value 2021-11-09"
          "sh:value": [
      "sh:conforms": [
    "_:b77400": {
      "sh:path": [
      "sh:maxCount": [
      "sh:hasValue": [
    "_:b77401": [
blake-regalia commented 2 years ago

It looks like the struct for the last blank node does not have full triples?

    "_:b77401": [

Should be something like this instead i think?


    "_:b77401": {
      "time:hasEnd": "^xsd:date\"2021-01-01",
      "time:inXSDDate":  "^xsd:date\"2021-11-09"
tpluscode commented 2 years ago

Thanks for taking your time to look at this.

The _: b77401 node should in fact be a list [] :sh:resultPath ( time:hasEnd time:inXSDDate )

blake-regalia commented 2 years ago

Oh I see. Yes for collections, a nested array will do the trick:

  "_:b77401": {
    "sh:resultPath": [  // this array is for different objects
      [  // this array creates a collection
blake-regalia commented 2 years ago

did this work?

tpluscode commented 2 years ago

Sorry, haven't had the chance to try yet. Let me do that now

tpluscode commented 2 years ago

From your advice I figured that list nodes shared by multiple subjects are the problem. When extracted to a "top-level" node, the first rdf:first/rdf:rest must be broken up. Not unlike you'd type in turtle

ex:foo ex:list _:list .
ex:bar ex:list _:list .
ex:baz ex:list _:list .

_:list rdf:first "a" ; ref:rest ( "b" ) .

And so, the hash must reflect that:

  "*": {
    "_:list": {
      "rdf:first": [ "\"a" ],
      "rdf:rest": [
        [ "\"b" ]
    "ex:foo": { "ex:list": [ "_:list"] },
    "ex:bar": { "ex:list": [ "_:list"] },
    "ex:baz": { "ex:list": [ "_:list"] }

This appears to be correct. Please let me know if you think otherwise or feel free to close.


blake-regalia commented 2 years ago

Ah, I see. Makes sense 👍