blake502 / balatro-mobile-maker

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Help with mods using Lovely/dump files #101

Open tap0119 opened 1 month ago

tap0119 commented 1 month ago

I tried with this approachd: to get lovely steammodded mods with the cryptid mod, I get an error when starting the game

Oops! The game crashed: main.lua:1188: module 'nativefs' not found: no field package.preload['nativefs'] no 'nativefs' in LOVE game directories. no file 'nativefs' in LOVE paths. no file './nativefs.lua' no file '/usr/local/share/luajit-2.1/nativefs.lua' no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/nativefs.lua' no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/nativefs/init.lua' no file './' no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/' no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/'

Additional Context: Balatro Version: 1.0.1f-FULL Modded Version: 1.0.0-ALPHA-0731b-STEAMODDED Love2D Version: 11.5.0

Stack Traceback (3) global C function 'require' (4) main chunk of file 'main.lua' at line 1188 (5) global C function 'require' (6) Love2D function at file 'boot.lua:323' (best guess) Local variables: c = table: 0x781621bce8 {modules:table: 0x781621bd78, console:false, appendidentity:false, version:11.5 (more...)} openedconsole = boolean: false confok = boolean: true conferr = nil (7) global C function 'xpcall' (8) Love2D function at file 'boot.lua:362' (best guess) Local variables: result = boolean: true (9) global C function 'xpcall' (10) Love2D function at file 'boot.lua:377' (best guess) Local variables: func = Lua function '(Love2D Function)' (defined at line 355 of chunk [love "boot.lua"]) inerror = boolean: true deferErrhand = Lua function '(Love2D Function)' (defined at line 348 of chunk [love "boot.lua"]) earlyinit = Lua function '(Love2D Function)' (defined at line 355 of chunk [love "boot.lua"])

I successfully ran cryptid mod on my PC with the new version of lovely and steammodded that just drags and drops the files and doesn't modify the exe. I had copied my Game/Mod folder the same as it is on PC, and copied and placed all the files from lovely/dump after running on PC into the Game folder on android. Am I missing something?

tap0119 commented 1 month ago

After some more testing I see the same thing if I mimic the file setup on my desktop and try to run Balatro. Am I missing something with how lovely works?

pokemon-card commented 1 month ago

The cryptid won't work as it requires Steamodded 1.0 which can't be used on mobile as it requires dependencies such as Lovely that only work on desktops