blake502 / balatro-mobile-maker

Create a mobile Balatro app from your Steam version of Balatro
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Balatro iOS score flaming issue #28

Closed garyhe231 closed 1 month ago

garyhe231 commented 1 month ago

Thank you so much for the Balatro iOS version! There is one issue where the flaming effect (when there is a high score happening) doesn’t seem right. It does not flame like fire and it’s just the score blocker getting bigger, it’s different from the console and Steam version.

blake502 commented 1 month ago

Unfortunately, I don't have an iOS device to fix this myself. I'll mark this as "help wanted" to see if anybody else wants to take this on. I'll gladly merge a PR, or if somebody can let me know what changes need to be made to the source, I can create the patch.

garyhe231 commented 1 month ago

Thank you! It doesn't impact the game play, and thank you again to make Balatro portable!

eszoke commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure if this is iOS specific? On my Android APK version I have also noticed the score fire animation is the only one that really doesn't work right (and the holo-joker ish). Anyone else have a normal smooth fire animation on Android?

Did get the new 0.6.1 IPA on my iPad though and looks the same I think. Super awesome how well it works otherwise though, such a perfect game for a tablet.

Sheep975 commented 1 month ago

I found this is an OpenGL ES related issue. You can reproduce this issue even on a PC by executing the following code at the command prompt.


スクリーンショット 2024-04-15 212027

garyhe231 commented 1 month ago

@blake502 , could you see if there is a way to fix it in the build?

blake502 commented 1 month ago

I'll add "play with the flame shader" to my to-do list haha.

For anybody feeling adventurous, the location is Balatro.exe\resources\shaders\flame.fs

Sounds like it just needs to be tweaked for OpenGL ES.

PGgamer2 commented 1 month ago

Fixed (at least, on my device)! Doesn't seem to be a iOS-related issue: it's a precision issue. I've made a pull request #35

Could this be related to the black screen CRT issue? #1

garyhe231 commented 1 month ago

Thank you both! How can I fix it before a new build coming out?

garyhe231 commented 1 month ago

@PGgamer2 , how did you fix it?

blake502 commented 1 month ago

@PGgamer2 , how did you fix it?

Check the pull request. Or just use the new version. It's out now.

blake502 commented 1 month ago

Could this be related to the black screen CRT issue? #1

I certainly would not be surprised by that. Probably worth some more investigation, but I don't have a Pixel device to determine for myself.

garyhe231 commented 1 month ago

Wonderful! Fixed, thank you!!!