Closed gelato closed 10 months ago
Birdseye is a combination of multiple streams, this is done by using the decoded stream and combining in to a single frame. It would only increase cpu usage to do that twice so that is why birdseye must be used with the detect stream.
as far as live view goes, you can select MSE or WebRTC to get the high quality live view
But live view is also used with detect stream... I'm already using MSE, but for detect stream I'm using camera's LQ feed (640x360) - it won't become better than this in any case. So this is a limitation, right? Whatever you feed to detect is also used for live/birdseye?
No that is incorrect, live view (mse / WebRTC) have nothing to do with the detect view
Ok, but here are my observations: whenever I change resolution on detect module live's resolution also changes, and live's stream_name setting does not work - whenever I change it, having two streams, it always shows 640x360 picture (my LQ stream), and only when I switch detect role to my HQ stream the quality of live stream changes to 1920x1080 of my HQ stream.
Then you are viewing the jsmpeg view and not mse or WebRTC
But I have: ui: live_mode: mse
Maybe there's another way to turn it on, or some other setting overrides it?
you select it in the top right of the frigate camera page
Can you point me where exactly?
press your camera and then it will be in the top right
Thanks, there was no such dropdown because I used experimental UI... Let me try defining different stream for it now
Yep, it works as you described, thank you so much! (experimental web is bound to jsmpeg it seems, it's a bit disappointing considering it feels much better than the standard one)
Describe the problem you are having
It seems that I can't configure 2 streams and use HQ stream for live/birdseye and LQ stream for detect because live/birdseye settings are actually detect's settings (if I set 5 fps in detect - live will be using 5 fps in the viewer, if I use LQ stream for detect - the same will be for live/birdseye no matter the stream_name: setting). My goal is to have HQ stream for live/recordings and LQ for detect.
Frigate config file
Relevant log output
FFprobe output from your camera
Frigate stats
Operating system
Install method
Docker Compose
Coral version
CPU (no coral)
Network connection
Camera make and model
EKF Connect IP65 Wi-Fi
Any other information that may be helpful
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