blakee-marcus / deep-thoughts

A React based social platform for users to share, discuss, and reflect on their thoughts
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ADD FEATURE: Allow users to update display name, bio, location, and website in profile settings #8

Closed blakee-marcus closed 1 year ago

blakee-marcus commented 1 year ago

Feature Description


  1. Update the Models, Resolvers and Schema so that users can update their name, bio, location and website.


  1. Update Edit Profile Modal to include new fields (bio, location, and website).
  2. Update Profile page to display new profile information. (bio, location, and website).
  3. Update Followers/Following list to display bio for each account.

User Story

AS A user,
I WANT to be able to update my profile information, including my display name, bio, location, and website,
SO THAT I can keep my profile up to date and provide accurate information to other users.

Acceptance Criteria