blakeembrey / node-immigration

Simple, no-frills migration utility
17 stars 3 forks source link

No issue just a thanks! #25

Closed joakimbeng closed 7 years ago

joakimbeng commented 7 years ago


I'm the author of klei-migrate and have been needing support for storage adaptors for it in quite some time but haven't found the time to build it. On my hunt for another migration tool with such support I found this module and it perfectly suits my needs! :) What makes the switch really easy is the fact that both immigration and klei-migrate uses the same module format for migration files and klei-migrate's files are correctly recognized and run by immigration.

So I just want to say thanks!

PS. I will probably build an sql adaptor for immigration really soon so I'll update #23 if I'm the first :)

blakeembrey commented 7 years ago

Thanks! 😄 I'd be happy to help migrate some of the advanced features you built out into immigration too. Hopefully through fs and rethinkdb there's enough to go on for building your own adapter. I think building the SQL adapter should be pretty straightforward with something like knex.js (e.g. can support PG, MySQL, SQLite in one), I just never got around to it myself because I'm not using SQL. As for CoffeeScript support, I think it's a pretty simple thing to build into the CLI (currently I'd do node -r coffeescript/register node_modules/immigration/dist/bin up --all, but haven't tested that) using -r/--require to register hooks.