blakejoy / tmdb-ts

Typescript client wrapper for TheMovieDB (TMDB) v3
MIT License
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Fixed vulnerabilities in package-lock.json #3

Closed joelhenryclark123 closed 1 year ago

joelhenryclark123 commented 1 year ago

Created a fork to add a couple endpoints, and I got some vulnerability warnings when running npm install. I fixed them with nothing but npm audit.

5 vulnerabilities (1 moderate, 3 high, 1 critical)

ansi-regex 5.0.0 Severity: high Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity in chalk/ansi-regex - fix available via npm audit fix node_modules/ansi-regex

cross-fetch <=2.2.3 || 2.2.5 || 3.0.0 - 3.1.4 || >=3.2.0-alpha.0 Severity: high Incorrect Authorization in cross-fetch - Depends on vulnerable versions of node-fetch fix available via npm audit fix node_modules/cross-fetch

minimist <1.2.6 Severity: critical Prototype Pollution in minimist - fix available via npm audit fix node_modules/minimist

node-fetch <2.6.7 Severity: high node-fetch is vulnerable to Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor - fix available via npm audit fix node_modules/node-fetch

path-parse <1.0.7 Severity: moderate Regular Expression Denial of Service in path-parse - fix available via npm audit fix node_modules/path-parse