blakesweeney / unite-taskwarrior

A unite.vim interface to taskwarrior
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Use leading "-" or "+" for unite-taskwarrior tasklist format tasks #39

Closed linuxcaffe closed 9 years ago

linuxcaffe commented 9 years ago

Vimwiki ToDo syntax allows;

* [ ] projectX       description, task starting with an asterisk     :test:
- [ ] projectY       description, task starting with a hyphen        :test:
+ [ ] projectZ       description, task starting with a plus sign     :test:


Taskwiki uses only the leading asterisk, and in recent discussion, tbabej (taskwiki author) shows no interest in using hyphen or plus sigh for anything.. and this is an opportunity!

If unite-taskwarrior uses a leading hyphen (- [ ]) for normal taslists, this can be one way to discriminate formats from taskwiki, and it will match vimwiki syntax highliting, and taskwiki won't ever try to process it.

As I suspect notefile handling will become one of utw"s "strong suits", using a leading plus-sign (+ [ ]) to indicate that the task has a notefile (perhaps in addition, or as an alternative to a +note tag) would be a very useful clue.

blakesweeney commented 9 years ago

Ok that seems reasonable to me. Right now it should show +note for new tasks that have notes. Adding a + to things with notes is easy enough. Do you think this should be triggered by the use_taskwiki setting? It is technically not a taskwiki task then.

Also, I'm pretty happy with the overall formatting so I'm going to merge it into develop. There are couple things left, like this and showing annotations, but overall I think it is good.

blakesweeney commented 9 years ago

Oh I misunderstood your comment, this will only apply when using the standard formatter. Very easy to do.

blakesweeney commented 9 years ago

One other idea I have had has been to indicate the active task with some sort of leading flag. In contexts, I use >. However here we could use something else. I think it might a good idea to mark an active task with *. I could also use that in contexts for consistency's sake as well.

linuxcaffe commented 9 years ago

interesting, taskwarrior default indicator for "started" is "+" so maybe THAT should represent +ACTIVE.

One more leading list character, that also matches vimwiki list syntax (see where I'm going?) is "#"

# [ ] This task has a note, and number-sign has a nice notes mnemonic

how about that?

blakesweeney commented 9 years ago

Yeah so maybe use + for active, - for normal * for notes, and then # for something else. That seems reasonable.

linuxcaffe commented 9 years ago

I'm wrong about the default tw active indicator; it's "*". the defailt tw indicator for tag is "+"

The problem with "* []" is that it is likely (almost certain) to conflict with taskwiki syntax. Maybe there's no conflict, I dont know, but I would be reticent.. you know better how bufftype stuff works..

I would lean towards - normal, + note, # active -- for increasing visibility and no conflict

linuxcaffe commented 9 years ago

if we avoid * [ ] altogether we can be sure that asterisk = taskwiki.

blakesweeney commented 9 years ago

That works for me. I've made that change. There won't be any conflict with taskwiki formatting in the unite buffer. At that level compatibility is mostly to make is easier on the user.

linuxcaffe commented 9 years ago

looks great!