blakesweeney / unite-taskwarrior

A unite.vim interface to taskwarrior
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"sparkle" after any task modification #40

Open linuxcaffe opened 9 years ago

linuxcaffe commented 9 years ago

Taskwarrior perl interface vit ( has many features, but one of it's small-but-charming ones, is that as a task is removed from the list (moved to completed or deleted) the row that is about to disappear "sparkes" before it winks out entirely. By "sparkling" I mean that it flashes gone-here-gone-here-gone in maybe under 1/2 a second. This gives the eye a chance to move to the item before it vanishes, and without this behavior, an item can vanish unnoticeably, after accidentally being deleted, for example. It makes a surprising difference and users are less likely to lose tasks with the wrong button (tab)

blakesweeney commented 9 years ago

The only way I can think of to implement this is to change the syntax highlighting, sleep for sometime then repeat until we do actually remove it from the list. The sleep means we will lock the person's vim which I am not fond of. I'd rather not do this if possible. I think the idea you described in #41 is a better idea.

linuxcaffe commented 9 years ago

The sparkle thing is not just for #41, but most important any time a task leaves a list (status change or no longer matching the filter). Using on-off-as-quick-as-possible syntax highlighting change for the affected line, after any modification, including those that might result in the item being removed from the list, would do the job. The whole thing would be effective even if the effect lasted 0.2 seconds, no locking or sleeping or workflow delay required. It sounds wacky, but it's very satisfying feedback for the user.

linuxcaffe commented 9 years ago

This will be nice after a task mod to an attribute that is not seen by utw#format display, the little wink will say "something WAS modified!"

blakesweeney commented 9 years ago

This useful for sure, but I'm not sure when I can get to it. Probably after syntax stuff I imagine.

linuxcaffe commented 9 years ago

makes sense