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Snap Sync Not Working #15

Open andreclaro opened 4 weeks ago

andreclaro commented 4 weeks ago

I have tried to use snap sync on blast sepolia network in the same way I sucessfully used on base and optimism (both sepolia and mainnet) and on blast snap dync is not working.

Immediately after starting op-geth with the settings shared below, I see the log message "Snap sync complete, auto disabling.

I have used snap sync before on optimism and base and the behavior of op-geth is different. I was expecting to see messages like: "Syncing: chain download in progress", "Syncing: state download in progress", "Forkchoice requested sync to new head", etc.



/usr/local/bin/geth \
    --datadir=/var/lib/blast/data/execution \
    --port=30303 \
    --discovery.port=30303 \
    --syncmode=snap \
    --gcmode=archive \
    --rollup.sequencerhttp= \
    --rollup.disabletxpoolgossip=true \
    --http \
    --http.addr= \
    --http.port=8545 \
    --http.corsdomain="*" \
    --http.vhosts="*" \
    --http.api=eth,web3 \
    --rpc.txfeecap 100 \
    --ws \
    --ws.addr= \
    --ws.port=8546 \"*" \
    --ws.api=eth,web3 \
    --authrpc.addr= \
    --authrpc.vhosts=* \
    --authrpc.port=8551 \
    --authrpc.jwtsecret=/var/lib/blast/jwt.hex \
    --metrics \
    --metrics.addr= \
    --metrics.port=6060 \
    --override.canyon=0 \
    --override.ecotone=1713999600 \


/usr/local/bin/node \
    --syncmode=execution-layer \
    --l1=ws://L1_ADDRESS:8546 \
    --l1.beacon=http://L1_ADDRESS:5052 \
    --l2= \
    --l2.jwt-secret=/var/lib/blast/jwt.hex \
    --rpc.addr= \
    --rpc.port=9545 \
    --rollup.config=/var/lib/blast/data/consensus/rollup.json \
    --rollup.halt=major \
    --p2p.listen.tcp=30304 \
    --p2p.listen.udp=30304 \
    --p2p.bootnodes=enr:-J-4QM3GLUFfKMSJQuP1UvuKQe8DyovE7Eaiit0l6By4zjTodkR4V8NWXJxNmlg8t8rP-Q-wp3jVmeAOml8cjMj__ROGAYznzb_HgmlkgnY0gmlwhA-cZ_eHb3BzdGFja4X947FQAIlzZWNwMjU2azGhAiuDqvB-AsVSRmnnWr6OHfjgY8YfNclFy9p02flKzXnOg3RjcIJ2YYN1ZHCCdmE,enr:-J-4QDCVpByqQ8nFqCS9aHicqwUfXgzFDslvpEyYz19lvkHLIdtcIGp2d4q5dxHdjRNTO6HXCsnIKxUeuZSPcEbyVQCGAYznzz0RgmlkgnY0gmlwhANiQfuHb3BzdGFja4X947FQAIlzZWNwMjU2azGhAy3AtF2Jh_aPdOohg506Hjmtx-fQ1AKmu71C7PfkWAw9g3RjcIJ2YYN1ZHCCdmE \
    --p2p.priv.path=/var/lib/blast/data/consensus/priv.key \
    --p2p.peerstore.path=/var/lib/blast/data/consensus/peerstore \
    --p2p.discovery.path=/var/lib/blast/data/consensus/discovery \
    --metrics.enabled=true \
    --metrics.addr= \



Jun 03 16:28:16 t-blast-sepolia-01 geth[851028]: INFO [06-03|16:28:16.011] New local node record                    seq=1,717,432,096,011 id=34e6286517de0c7f ip= udp=30303 tcp=30303
Jun 03 16:28:16 t-blast-sepolia-01 geth[851028]: INFO [06-03|16:28:16.013] IPC endpoint opened                      url=/var/lib/blast/data/execution/geth.ipc
Jun 03 16:28:16 t-blast-sepolia-01 geth[851028]: INFO [06-03|16:28:16.015] Started P2P networking                   self=enode://989437b9739623f36ea3bcf9616e9d75bfb8254b936f05e58d6c830225da811eeb073083ecf82b847e7c4142984a35f41dd0a65d1e93c28fe6056810f62a8bc6@
Jun 03 16:28:16 t-blast-sepolia-01 geth[851028]: INFO [06-03|16:28:16.016] Loaded JWT secret file                   path=/var/lib/blast/jwt.hex crc32=0x96a02554
Jun 03 16:28:16 t-blast-sepolia-01 geth[851028]: INFO [06-03|16:28:16.016] HTTP server started                      endpoint=[::]:8545 auth=false prefix= cors=* vhosts=*
Jun 03 16:28:16 t-blast-sepolia-01 geth[851028]: INFO [06-03|16:28:16.016] WebSocket enabled                        url=ws://[::]:8546
Jun 03 16:28:16 t-blast-sepolia-01 geth[851028]: INFO [06-03|16:28:16.017] WebSocket enabled                        url=ws://
Jun 03 16:28:16 t-blast-sepolia-01 geth[851028]: INFO [06-03|16:28:16.017] HTTP server started                      endpoint= auth=true  prefix= cors=localhost vhosts=*
Jun 03 16:28:16 t-blast-sepolia-01 geth[851028]: INFO [06-03|16:28:16.080] Generated state snapshot                 accounts=2329 slots=2090 storage=399.45KiB dangling=0 elapsed=97.063ms
Jun 03 16:28:17 t-blast-sepolia-01 geth[851028]: INFO [06-03|16:28:17.338] New local node record                    seq=1,717,432,096,012 id=34e6286517de0c7f ip= udp=30303 tcp=30303
Jun 03 16:28:26 t-blast-sepolia-01 geth[851028]: INFO [06-03|16:28:26.027] Looking for peers                        peercount=0 tried=265 static=0
Jun 03 16:28:26 t-blast-sepolia-01 geth[851028]: WARN [06-03|16:28:26.138] Served eth_getBlockByNumber              conn= reqid=2 duration="80.255µs" err="finalized block not found"
Jun 03 16:28:26 t-blast-sepolia-01 geth[851028]: WARN [06-03|16:28:26.140] Served eth_getBlockByNumber              conn= reqid=4 duration="24.062µs" err="safe block not found"
Jun 03 16:28:26 t-blast-sepolia-01 geth[851028]: INFO [06-03|16:28:26.165] Snap sync complete, auto disabling
Jun 03 16:28:36 t-blast-sepolia-01 geth[851028]: INFO [06-03|16:28:36.033] Looking for peers                        peercount=1 tried=150 static=0
Jun 03 16:28:46 t-blast-sepolia-01 geth[851028]: INFO [06-03|16:28:46.897] Looking for peers                        peercount=0 tried=79  static=0
Jun 03 16:28:56 t-blast-sepolia-01 geth[851028]: INFO [06-03|16:28:56.987] Looking for peers                        peercount=0 tried=144 static=0
goldsquid commented 4 weeks ago

snap sync needs to be activated on the rollup and it might not be activate don blast yet

andreclaro commented 4 weeks ago

From the documentation, I can read "Snap sync is currently unsupported"