blasten / turn.js

The page flip effect for HTML5
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increase swipe area #641

Open skenter030 opened 4 years ago

skenter030 commented 4 years ago

greetings from germany first of all thank you very much. how can i increase the swipe area? it is a little bit to small for mobile users. it would be great if i could swipe the whole page instead of touching the little corners.

cq0702 commented 4 years ago

same issue.Have you solved it?

nmj056 commented 2 years ago

Hello, I know my reply is a bit late but you can increase the swipe area by going to the file turn.js and changing the cornerSize to a bigger number.

By doing so, you'll increase the swipe area but it will also affect the page peel-off so you need to search for the _eventMove function and look for this code data.opts.cornerSize/2 and change the divisor to any number you'd like, if you want it to stay the same as the default size just make sure the result of it will stay at 50 e.g. cornerSize = 200 cornerSize/4 = 50 like this data.opts.cornerSize/4

Note: If you increase the swipe size too much you may find out that the peel animation isn't going to look good, so I tend to make sure my cornerSize doesn't go above 250.

I'm in no way an expert on these things I just accidentally found it out and just want to share some info.