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Camera Inconsistencies/QoL Suggestion #336

Open Hinkiii opened 2 years ago

Hinkiii commented 2 years ago

After moving the right thumbstick you can only move the camera manually which is expected. The center camera button doesn't center the camera unless you're in that mode. Transitioning between maps will reset you to the vanilla camera. There's no way to switch to the vanilla camera after moving it besides changing maps.

ryzendew commented 2 years ago

add a video if you can showing this

Hinkiii commented 2 years ago

I was moving the control stick the whole time for the both it just stops your movement for the camera centering

Hinkiii commented 2 years ago

Would be nice if you didn't have to wait out the camera timer or could Z-Target to force it back to vanilla, etc

frizzle101101 commented 2 years ago

Im wondering why the camera center is a separate button...wouldnt it be better to just use z target or was there another reason im unaware of for this button...either way having the camera center i can see being use full to not reset to the vanilla camera and I do agree then that ztarget is a good way to elapse the timer so it goes back to the vanilla right after ztarget

frizzle101101 commented 2 years ago

and Are you saying that when you click the camera center with the right stick fully deflected you have to recenter the stick before you can get the camera to move again?

Hinkiii commented 2 years ago

and Are you saying that when you click the camera center with the right stick fully deflected you have to recenter the stick before you can get the camera to move again?

Nah it works fine, just that if you press it with vanilla camera it just locks your movement which is normal but doesn't center the camera.

On that note the toggle walk button also doesn't toggle walking when using a controller for movement, only works with keyboard and mouse.

Hinkiii commented 2 years ago

Im wondering why the camera center is a separate button...wouldnt it be better to just use z target or was there another reason im unaware of for this button...either way having the camera center i can see being use full to not reset to the vanilla camera and I do agree then that ztarget is a good way to elapse the timer so it goes back to the vanilla right after ztarget

dedicated center button guarantees that you'll look forward in all cases instead of locking onto something

frizzle101101 commented 2 years ago

Speaking of locking on to somthing do you find it annoying that you cant cancel ztargeting, unless you are far enough away, or am i wrong is there a way to cancel it?

frizzle101101 commented 2 years ago

I always get suck to those ztargeting rocks in the koriki village and could never figure out how to cancel

Hinkiii commented 2 years ago

Speaking of locking on to somthing do you find it annoying that you cant cancel ztargeting, unless you are far enough away, or am i wrong is there a way to cancel it?

Assuming this port uses toggle it'd just be pressing it again, but I feel like it's hold from my limited testing.

frizzle101101 commented 2 years ago

Googling it I found this(I cant remember if ive ever switched the setting on the n64 version): "There are two settings for Z-targeting, which can be selected on the Name Registration screen: "SWITCH" and "HOLD."

"SWITCH" causes the target to stay locked onto after the Z-button is released, and pressing the Z-button a second time will change the target, or exit targeting if no other target is present. To remove targeting when others are present, Link must pull away from the enemy.(Sounds like there is no exiting, only cycling through the available, unless you pull away from an ememy and press it again, which sounds like we shld possibly add some ability to cancel the ztarget when enemys are in range).

"HOLD" requires the player to hold down the Z-button to target an enemy; releasing the button will disengage the lock. These settings can be reached by going to the option menu on the main menu. L-targeting supports the same settings, and functions the same way.

frizzle101101 commented 2 years ago

Im thinking holding the button down for a few seconds should be sufficient for when the switch mode is selected and we want to exit ztargeting

frizzle101101 commented 2 years ago

There also seems to be an overflow issue or somthing of the nature when you hold down the centering button as the camera and then it stops ythe camera rotation after a few seconds and link just turns on the spot up to 90 degrees left and right

frizzle101101 commented 2 years ago

Im thinking holding the button down for a few seconds should be sufficient for when the switch mode is selected and we want to exit ztargeting

Pulling back the stick and pressing z cancels the ztarget aswell but im still adding a 3sec hold that allows the ztarget to be cleared