blawson / PachubeArduino

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PachubeArduino for RN-XV - Serial interface #1

Open nicox77 opened 12 years ago

nicox77 commented 12 years ago

Hi Blawson, Thanks for this great code, but I've got an issue actually :

My archi :

I need to use the Serial from my Arduino (needed by the XBEE board), but your code is for Ethernet only, can you please help me ?

See my actual code below (not working, only "Connecting to Pachube..." on the Serial port without more, many thanks !




byte mac[] = {0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x00, 0x10, 0x8f}; char apiKey[] = "MY KEY"; long feedId = MY FEED; char datastreamId[] = "0";

PachubeClient client = PachubeClient(apiKey);

void setup() {

pinMode(A0,INPUT); //digitalWrite(A3,HIGH) ecrire sur une ligne io digital // lots of time for the WiFly to start up and also in case I need to stop the transmit delay(10000);



void loop() { // read the sensor double sensorReading = 1.75;//analogRead(A0);

// send to the Pachube client client.updateFeed(feedId, datastreamId, sensorReading); }

blawson commented 12 years ago

Hi Nicox, sorry for the late reply. If this is still an issue I would head over to the Pachube / Cosm forums and ask there, the library is pretty basic in features and you will probably get better / more timely advice there!