blaxxun-boop / TargetPortal

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Ability to select a DEFAULT target portal #25

Open ShadowTox opened 8 months ago

ShadowTox commented 8 months ago

This mod needs the ability to 'lock in' a portal to be the default target portal, and bypassing the process of showing the map and clicking on the target. The function of setting a default destination portal would add a much needed feature for usability of this mod on servers with large number of portals. This is a great mod, but when you have too many portals the usefulness drastically drops. By adding a way to select a default target, you would bypass the map selection process, and then GREATLY increase the features of this mod, and move this mod from a Great mod to a Fantastic mod. While this is a new feature, it is also an issue of usability. My thoughts on function: no default set, the mod acts as it does, if default portal set, then stepping into to portal takes you to that portal always. if default portal set, need a hotkey to clear default, or set a new default portal.