blazoncek / WLED

Control WS2812B and many more types of digital RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 or ESP32 over WiFi!
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2D - Update of legacy Effects #22

Closed lost-hope closed 2 years ago

lost-hope commented 2 years ago

Here some ideas, some might be too complex, some are easier:

Ideas / TODO:

New Effects:

Comment when you have made some of them, so i can tick them off. and i can add other ideas to the list that are mentioned via comments

dosipod commented 2 years ago

Scrolling text effect

blazoncek commented 2 years ago

You are pushing it now. 😁

blazoncek commented 2 years ago

I will not be implementing proper Tetris since it would require too much memory using current approach.

If it is rewritten from scratch it may be implemented in full using leds[] array.

blazoncek commented 2 years ago

Please add to the list:

blazoncek commented 2 years ago

Rain effect is based on Fireworks (not Starburst or 1D variant) which has been made 2D aware. Unfortunately Rain uses a hack to make raindrops from firework bursts which is incompatible with 2D in it's current implementation. The best replacement ATM is 2D Matrix effect.

Similarly Heartbeat can be (very roughly) approximated using 2D Pulser effect.

blazoncek commented 2 years ago

Rain also done. DVD bouncing is a new effect that may be done by someone else (a similar effect is in place as Floating Blobs)

ewoudwijma commented 2 years ago

I am doing a comparison with SR, remarks added here (wip):

Feel free to add additional remarks in the additional remarks column.

blazoncek commented 2 years ago

Even though not all effects above were made 2D aware I am closing this issue since @ewoudwijma implemented pixel mapping available in 1e4f8be74b7fbc7c0e68b96d7b215527d519647c This introduces a new dimension to legacy effects in a simple way.