blbltheworm / yarpie

YARPie - yet another raspberry pi emulator
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Windows 10] Yarpie doesn't respond #3

Open Judic4el opened 6 years ago

Judic4el commented 6 years ago


Thank you for this emulator, that's exactly what i was searching for. I tried the first simple example and the Yarpie window freezes few seconds after running the script. If I comment all the lines except import RPi_emu.GPIO as GPIO, it doesn't freeze but it's not very useful :-) I don't know what others informations will be useful for you so don't hesistate to ask me for precisions.

Thank you Regards

blbltheworm commented 6 years ago


thank you for your comment. This really is an odd error. I am only running Linux and Windows 7/8 so I am not sure whether this is a Windows 10 problem of pygames but this would be rather unlikely. Have you tried one of the other examples? And what do you mean by freeze? Do the buttons no longer respond? Are you no longer able to move the window around? Have you tried to debug the example? Is the main-loop still running?

Keretasho commented 5 years ago

Having the same issues, GUI won't respond(windows says its not active) Used your example to test this too but it froze with it too

German: Ich habe das gleiche Problem, die GUI lässt sich nicht verwenden, sobald man drauf klickt friert sie ein und Windows(10) schlägt nur vor das Programm zu beenden, arbeitest du noch an dem Projekt?, ist ja mittlerweile 2 Jahre her, da die anderen Emulatoren alle Linux brauchen wäre dein Emulator meine Rettung gewesen.

blbltheworm commented 5 years ago

Have not been to active, due to the lack of response and the other solutions which are available in the meanwhile. I implemented a simulated SPI interface but never uploaded it. Unfortunately I still do not have a Win10 machine available so I am not able to test it there to find the issue (Laptop is mainly running on Linux). Which python interpreter are you using and are other pygame-applications running smoothly?

duden-99 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I exactly discoverd the same problem with Win10 64 yesterday. Is there any idea what the root cause could be or has anybody solved this problem (The GUI just don't respond anymore after run the test project from Spyder4 with Python 3.8 and pygame latest version 1.9). Any idea what it could be or and idea how to find the root cause are highly appreaciate. Unfortunatelly I am not a programming (or Linux) expert with Python. I just started to learn Python with my Raspberry-Pi and wanted to use this great tool to be indipenden within my first learning steps from my HW.

duden-99 commented 4 years ago

Having the same issues, GUI won't respond(windows says its not active) Used your example to test this too but it froze with it too

German: Ich habe das gleiche Problem, die GUI lässt sich nicht verwenden, sobald man drauf klickt friert sie ein und Windows(10) schlägt nur vor das Programm zu beenden, arbeitest du noch an dem Projekt?, ist ja mittlerweile 2 Jahre her, da die anderen Emulatoren alle Linux brauchen wäre dein Emulator meine Rettung gewesen.

Hallo, konntest du das Problem mittlerweile lösen? Habe das selbe Problem und keine Idee, was ich tun kann. Danke.

duden-99 commented 4 years ago


Thank you for this emulator, that's exactly what i was searching for. I tried the first simple example and the Yarpie window freezes few seconds after running the script. If I comment all the lines except import RPi_emu.GPIO as GPIO, it doesn't freeze but it's not very useful :-) I don't know what others informations will be useful for you so don't hesistate to ask me for precisions.

Thank you Regards

Hi, I discovered the same problem. Could you solve the issue allready? Would be helpfull to hear what might have helped? Thanks for any feedback.