bldrs-ai / Share

Share is a web-based BIM & CAD collaboration platform.
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Intermittent error when attempting to load Sample Models #1233

Open OlegMoshkovich opened 1 month ago

OlegMoshkovich commented 1 month ago

I'm experiencing an intermittent error when attempting to load sample models. The error typically occurs on the first attempt and usually resolves itself upon reloading.

Network and Console logs:

OlegMoshkovich commented 1 month ago

Got today twice

image image
OlegMoshkovich commented 1 month ago

Got the error Safari image

Chrome image

OlegMoshkovich commented 1 month ago

Internet Explorer. 7/12 - 10:55

OlegMoshkovich commented 1 month ago

Microsoft Edge 7/12 - 11:08

OlegMoshkovich commented 1 month ago