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VYZN: Viewer: Sub-selection of one or more elements #381

Open Adrian62D opened 2 years ago

Adrian62D commented 2 years ago

One or more elements of the model can be sub-selected by the user or programmatically by an app.


This could be done with a toggle to change granularity:

Another example is sketchup or potentially how Revit does it. Revit does it as follows:

Fits to product strategy: Estimation:

Test data This model has stairs which are composed of sub elements:


MarkusSteinbrecher commented 2 years ago

Let's try to get an ifc that is modeled that way. I know you can group elements in ArchiCAD, e.g. the window into sub-elements and there are different ways to export that to ifc (either as one element, as multiple or as group ... I think).

Adrian62D commented 1 year ago

Updated test data.