bldrs-ai / Share

Share is a web-based BIM & CAD collaboration platform.
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VYZN: Viewer: Camera control #389

Open Adrian62D opened 1 year ago

Adrian62D commented 1 year ago

Regarding the camera: panning, orbiting, zooming, fitting selection to screen, and a quick access to canonical views (front, back, top, bottom, left, right), allowing both perspective and orthogonal projections…

Both: available to the user and programmatically via app

Comments from Pablo: panning, orbiting, zooming, fitting selection to screen is resolved (?)

pablo-mayrgundter commented 1 year ago

Cool. Probably helper additions to src/Components/CameraControl.

We're working on canonical views and traversals... @mkeshavarzi.

mkeshavarzi commented 1 year ago

Perspective to ortho is seen in PR #364