bleachbit / wishlist

Wishlist enhancements related to BleachBit
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 1 forks source link

Linux CLI-only package #120

Open elderlabs opened 11 months ago

elderlabs commented 11 months ago

Greetings. Firstly, thank you for providing the amazing utility that is Bleachbit. I've used it for many years; it has been the greatest cloth-or-something, drastic cyber measure that I've come to love and adore (while abhoring the abomination that CCleaner has become -- thanks Avast).

That aside, I've taken to cleaning up my Debian installation script recently, and auditing which additional unnecessary packages are installed with the ones my infrastructure depends upon. As all of my instances are headless and without a GUI, I have little use or need of certain packages installed with bleachbit, namely adwaita-icon-theme and libwayland-client0/libwayland-cursor0, but not to say other GUI-based packages aren't included in that list -- these are merely the few I questioned while auditing.

So my request is as follows: a headless bleachbit package without all the extra GUI bits (or a means of not installing the unnecessary GUI bits/dependencies). Yes, it would be yet another thing to maintain (though trivial to automate during the build process), and having the addition package admitted to various apt repos is extra work, but the benefit would be a version of bleachbit that, when run from the headless command line, doesn't throw an error regarding the lack of a display, and perhaps would offer what's provided by bleachbit --help by default.

As for that error regarding the lack of a display:

(bleachbit:3529): Gdk-CRITICAL **: 13:21:26.947: gdk_screen_get_root_window: assertion 'GDK_IS_SCREEN (screen)' failed

^ I am not friends with this one.

If you're feeling extra adventurous, perhaps a new cleaner for the PM2 process manager (though that might be one for another issue/wishlist entry)? TL;DR you'd be looking in ~/.pm2/ for files that follow the item-name__date-stamp.log format (so *__*.log iirc) in both the top-level PM2 directory, and in the ~/.pm2/logs/ folder. As I write this, I recall that I'm using PM2's optional log rotate module, thus those that do not also use it likely have 10GB+ .log files in these folders as well. Perhaps a config node for those with the module and one for those without it? Extra credit for this bit, otherwise I can open another ticket if needed.

Thanks again for everything that Bleachbit is.

EDIT: I noticed in bleachbit issue 682, you noted the ability to change a dependency's requireablilty to "suggests". As the customer is always wrong and it is up to the developer to choose what it is the end-user really wants, I'm certain you have a few ideas of where to go from here. I also noted your comment with bleachbit and package repos, thus my comments above about admittance to repos may be disregarded. Let the repo maintainers deal with their mess; that's not your problem.


az0 commented 10 months ago

So my request is as follows: a headless bleachbit package without all the extra GUI bits (or a means of not installing the unnecessary GUI bits/dependencies).

What about running from source or installing from source? This does not install/require any dependencies.

As for that error regarding the lack of a display:

(bleachbit:3529): Gdk-CRITICAL **: 13:21:26.947: gdk_screen_get_root_window: assertion 'GDK_IS_SCREEN (screen)' failed

What if the package did not change, but this disappeared automatically or with a command line switch?

If you're feeling extra adventurous, perhaps a new cleaner for the PM2 process manager (though that might be one for another issue/wishlist entry)?

One request per ticket please, and this looks unrelated. See the repo

Thanks again for everything that Bleachbit is.

You are welcome

elderlabs commented 10 months ago

Running from source

I will consider that. I'll need to read up on it a bit first, but I'm definitely open to the idea of it.

What if the package did not change, but this disappeared automatically or with a command line switch?

Automatically would be nice, though a command-line switch would probably be for the best, to maintain backwards compatability.

One request per ticket please

Will do!