bleachbit / wishlist

Wishlist enhancements related to BleachBit
GNU General Public License v3.0
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New homepage and community #77

Open Tobias-B-Besemer opened 4 years ago

Tobias-B-Besemer commented 4 years ago

Have this in mind since some time, but after I yesterday would finally subscribe to your forum to help and saw that registration is now closed, I open this wish issue now finally.

So why I think you should have a new webpage and a new forum: Because, you doing really a good job e.g. at Github, on Launchpad & AskUbuntu, but I think one of your goals should be to build a stronger community that helps you! I have no clue how you handle it to make support on all this platforms and find anyway the time to do all the programming work for BleachBit, but I think you need to find more people that do at least all the support stuff for you! And even if xou will find those people, you should have a much biger community that writes all the cleaners that are still needed! GitHub, Launchpad & AskUbuntu are IMHO great for collaboration, but not really good to build (own) communities! So at least a new forum would be nice...

Next problem is, that the forum and the homepage look IMHO a bit unpolished to me and especially on mobile devices, what seems use 50% nowadays, things "don't get better"... :-/

Here are some screenshots how the page looks ATM for me...







Tobias-B-Besemer commented 4 years ago

And here is the solution I have for you...

End of last year a person I met on GitHub and I created the project I really need to work on it in next time... and then I can ask this person, if he is willing to set up for you a new homepage and forum, too!

The page we have us based on Joomla and the forum is done with myPHP... The server, the page and the forum got really bullet proof configured by this person! Even many tried to create fake accounts to post spam, none of them was successful!

He also broth a friend of his in, that seems to be a great graphics artist! He created us a professional logo! I will try to ask this person for help, too, and maybe he is even willing to do e.g. a theme for BleachBit...

Here are some screenshots how our works look like...





az0 commented 4 years ago

I have no clue how you handle it to make support on all this platforms and find anyway the time to do all the programming work for BleachBit, but I think you need to find more people that do at least all the support stuff for you! And even if xou will find those people, you should have a much biger community that writes all the cleaners that are still needed! GitHub, Launchpad & AskUbuntu are IMHO great for collaboration, but not really good to build (own) communities! So at least a new forum would be nice...

You mean support for asking questions like "How do I do this...?" that aren't necessarily related to a bug?

There are many communities including Stackoverflow, Gitter, Slack, and others.

Next problem is, that the forum and the homepage look IMHO a bit unpolished to me and especially on mobile devices, what seems use 50% nowadays, things "don't get better"... :-/

It seems like there are several, not-completely-related issues here: general appearance of the web site (theme), appearance specifically on mobile, a new logo, spam-proofing, and functionality for building community. That's a lot for one issue ticket.

About mobile: according to Google Analytics, the audience is about 95% desktop, which makes sense because it's a desktop application. I don't mean that BleachBit should ignore mobile, but it's not as important as for news sites and social media sites.

I agree the general appearance of the web site could be improved, and I'm open to the idea of facilitating discussions through some kind of forum.

Tobias-B-Besemer commented 4 years ago

Think a forum will maybe "bind" people to the project and then they start to write cleaner, too... ;)

ScriptTiger & Tobaloidee had all done for our project in just some days... ;) ...and IMHO there is really no need that you waste your time with this, too! ;)