bleachbit / wishlist

Wishlist enhancements related to BleachBit
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature proposal: Linux - introducing fstrim #81

Open klslz opened 4 years ago

klslz commented 4 years ago

Removing files (with bleachbit) won't remove the data physically on an SSD or SD-card. Old news to the more experienced users of course. I'm aware of that.

What I do on top of running bleachbit, I'm running "fstrim --fstab" after running bleachbit. fstrim wipes (zero-fills) the removed file areas very fast.

I think this is a must do exercise for all people who intend to get a real clean base.

I do not mount my partitions with "discard" btw, which would basically done the trim automatically. There are ambiguous information about discard and its reliability, that's why I run my trims manually.

Another great sideffect by using fstrim is that disk image backups can be compressed to a much smaller size.

That function IMO would perfectly fit into the bleachbit scope I'd say. Perhaps it's already part of it and I simply missed it. ;)

I havn't looked into Windows or OSX and how these run the trims. It might me useful for these OSes as well.