bleenco / ngx-uploader

Angular File Uploader
MIT License
755 stars 348 forks source link

Multiple file upload and forma data #242

Open rbasniak opened 7 years ago

rbasniak commented 7 years ago

Hi, I tried to look for something on the docs and the questions here, but I couldn't make it work.

I would like to create a form with some inputs, and multiple file upload, no preview needed. The user should pick some files and then click the submit button. At this moment a single request is created with the form data and all the files he picked.

Does ngx-uploader support such scenario? If not asking too much, can someone point me to the right direction?

NgxDev commented 7 years ago

@rbasniak I think you meant to say "should be created" instead of "is created":

At this moment a single request SHOULD BE created with the form data and all the files he picked.

Not "is created"... Right?

Because, right now, the behavior is: it creates the same number of requests as the number of files. Instead, a single request should contain all the files.

rbasniak commented 7 years ago

@MrCroft Yes, sorry for the misspeling...

The correct would be "At this moment a single request is created per each selected file with the form data"

NgxDev commented 7 years ago

@rbasniak No harm intended :) just wanted to be clear and make sure it's the same thing I wanted to open an issue for. Right now, it is a pain to compute and show the user an accurate total progress when you drag&drop 10 files of different sizes.

tlcoder commented 7 years ago

Having a single request with all of the files included would be very helpful.

skizdigidy commented 7 years ago

I'm experiencing the same pain. It would be nice to have the ability to batch all files into one request.