From 1310.0818 : the S^3 x S^1 partition function (or, the "Romelsberger index") cannot be used to probe supersymmetry breaking in four dimensions. It was pointed out in G. Festuccia and N. Seiberg, Rigid Supersymmetric Theories in Curved Superspace that R-symmetry is needed in order to preserve supersymmetry on S^3 x S^1. However, unless the theory flows to a non-trivial fixed point, the R-symmetry is broken and the index simply doesn't make sense.
Information about indices in various dimensions.
Witten index, obviously.
S. Cecotti, P. Fendley, K. Intriligator, and C. Vafa, "A new supersymmetric index"
From 1310.0818 : the S^3 x S^1 partition function (or, the "Romelsberger index") cannot be used to probe supersymmetry breaking in four dimensions. It was pointed out in G. Festuccia and N. Seiberg, Rigid Supersymmetric Theories in Curved Superspace that R-symmetry is needed in order to preserve supersymmetry on S^3 x S^1. However, unless the theory flows to a non-trivial fixed point, the R-symmetry is broken and the index simply doesn't make sense.