thanks for this very useful library! In an existing hardware project I needed to replace a MCP23017 chip by its SPI counterpart MCP23S17. Although I could not find a library for that chip with the same software interface, I decided to take your library and modify it for the SPI interface. So could save time, not adapting existing software. (besides class instantiation)
I'm sorry for the late response, I'm currently moving homes and I haven't had the time to review this. I don't know when I will be able to, but I keep it in mind and won't forget you 🙂
Hey thanks for this very useful library! In an existing hardware project I needed to replace a MCP23017 chip by its SPI counterpart MCP23S17. Although I could not find a library for that chip with the same software interface, I decided to take your library and modify it for the SPI interface. So could save time, not adapting existing software. (besides class instantiation)
The result can be found here https://github.com/felix1024/MCP23S17
tested with Arduino framework on ESP32 using platformio.
Hopefully this OK for you.