blended-modeling / eatxt

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Integrate Xtext editor with EAXML serialization #7

Open Wilson008 opened 3 years ago

Wilson008 commented 3 years ago

The EATOP plugin for the EAXML serialization has to be integrated, so that either

A flow-chart of serialization: Serialization

joerg-holtmann commented 3 years ago

My suggestion here is (without much background knowledge, so no warranty that this is the right way):

Wilson008 commented 2 years ago

Something related in this link:

steghoja commented 2 years ago

I am not a fan of the toString() method since it means we need to change what we have generated. Since we want to serialise/deserialise whole models, we should use the existing capabilities of EMF for this. I have already implemented this in org.bumble.eastadl.simplified.ui.handlers.ImportFromEaxmlHandler for the conversion from EAXML to eatxt, but as I said, I have problems when EMF tries to resolve the references.

steghoja commented 2 years ago

There has been some progress and some riddles. Here's a summary:

Originally, deserialisation to EAXML failed since EMF did not recognise the URIs used by EAST-ADL with the protocol ea and through MalformedURIExceptions. Apparently, the EastADLURIFactory was not used to dereference the URIs. This was solved by using Sphinx' ScopingResourceSetImpl as the resource set. That solves the issue for unknown reasons.

However, now serialisation to EAtxt fails with the following error:

Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: No EObjectDescription could be found in Scope RangeableValueType.baseRangeable for EANumerical
Semantic Object: EAXML.topLevelPackage[0]->EAPackage''.element[0]->RangeableValueType''
URI: file:/Users/janste/git/east-adl-textual-syntax/examples/org.bumble.eastadl.simplified.examples/BBW_4Wheel_Bumble.eatxt
EStructuralFeature: ::RangeableValueType.baseRangeable
    at org.eclipse.xtext.serializer.diagnostic.ISerializationDiagnostic$ExceptionThrowingAcceptor.accept(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.serializer.tokens.CrossReferenceSerializer.getCrossReferenceNameFromScope(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.serializer.tokens.CrossReferenceSerializer.serializeCrossRef(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.serializer.acceptor.SequenceFeeder.getToken(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.serializer.acceptor.SequenceFeeder.accept(

After updating the EastAdlSimplifiedRuntimeModule as described in the scope now looks like this:

SimpleScope[DataTypesPackage.MyFloatDatatype, DataTypesPackage.MyTimeDatatype] -> NULLSCOPE

This contains DataTypesPackage.MyFloatDatatype which is actually what we’re looking for.

When Xtext then looks for the right EObjectDescription, it looks for a target which is this:

org.eclipse.eatop.eastadl22.impl.EANumericalImpl@4ceeba96 (eProxyURI: ea:/%23platform:/#/DataTypesPackage/MyFloatDatatype?type=EANumerical)

The elements in the scope look like this:

[org.eclipse.eatop.eastadl22.impl.EANumericalImpl@59bcab83 (shortName: MyFloatDatatype) (category: , uuid: 7767d152-b6f0-411d-1) (name: ) (text: , uri: <unset>) (max: , min: ), org.eclipse.eatop.eastadl22.impl.EANumericalImpl@27c243a3 (shortName: MyTimeDatatype) (category: , uuid: 7767d152-b6f0-411d-2) (name: ) (text: , uri: <unset>) (max: , min: )]

The first one is probably the one we want. The comparison is based on the URI. But instead of using the URI ea:/%23platform:/#/DataTypesPackage/MyFloatDatatype?type=EANumerical, it uses the URI file:/Users/sadsad/git/east-adl-textual-syntax/examples/org.bumble.eastadl.simplified.examples/BBW_4Wheel_Bumble.eatxt#//@topLevelPackage.0/@element.5 which is not what we want and why Xtext does not find the right class!

So we need to get Xtext to use the URI provided by EastADLURIFactory in the scope. Somehow...

steghoja commented 2 years ago

Creating an EAXML file from an eatxt file works right now. However, the EAXML file contains tags such as this:

<CATEGORY xsi:nil="true"/>

The EAXML files we received as examples would instead use this format:


We need to check if this is a problem or if we can safely ignore this. So far, EATOP seems to accept files that contain tags of this form without issue.

steghoja commented 2 years ago

I have come a little further now. Using the same approach as EAST-ADL uses, I have now created a new EatxtResource which inherits from XtextResource and overwrites EObject getEObject(String) and String getURIFragment(EObject). This means that at least the fragment part of the URIs (e.g., //@topLevelPackage.0/@element.5) is now resolved as expected by EAST-ADL (i.e., as /DataTypesPackage/MyFloatDatatype?type=EANumerical,). However, the comparison still fails since Xtext uses file:/ URLs and the EMF model contains ea:/ ones...

steghoja commented 2 years ago

More progress. In 8d3cca3, I added custom scope to accommodate different URI schemes. When serialising an EMF model that was loaded from an EAXML file to an EAtxt file, Xtext uses file as the scheme for the EObject URIs. The reason is that Xtext is not aware of EastADLURIFactory and there is no simple way (that I could find) to make it aware of that. Instead, we are now using a specialised implementation of Scope, that compares the URI fragments if the URI of the EObject that we look for in the scope has ea as its scheme. This allows us to find the correct element since East-ADL uses a global namespace (confirm!).

This is not the end of the story, though. Several issues are left:

steghoja commented 2 years ago

Even after introducing line breaks and whitespace manually (see below), the eatxt file is not valid. There are two problems:

  1. The parser does not like the empty attributes (category, name, etc.).
  2. The UUIDs are not parsed. That's because they map to the Xtext standard terminal ID which does not contain hyphens and considers IDs that start with a number incorrect. We would rather need a rule such as:
    terminal UUID:
    '^'? ('a'..'f'|'A'..'F'|'$'|'_'|'0'..'9') ('a'..'f'|'A'..'F'|'$'|'_'|'0'..'9'|'-')*;

Here's the sanitized generated eatxt file:

EAPackage DataTypesPackage
  uuid 03
  RangeableValueType AA_PercentType
    uuid ac61934c-8851-4742-acde-2f41e401febb
    accuracy 1.0
    resolution 1.0
    significantDigits 3
    baseRangeable "DataTypesPackage.MyFloatDatatype"
  EANumerical MyFloatDatatype
    uuid 7767d152-b6f0-411d-1
    unit "DataTypesPackage.MyTimeUnit" 
  Unit MyTimeUnit
    category uuid 7767d152-b6f0-411d-3
    factor 1.0
    symbol ms
    offset 0.0
    quantity "DataTypesPackage.MyTimeQuantity"
  Quantity MyTimeQuantity
    uuid 7767d152-b6f0-411d-4
    amountOfSubstanceExp 0
    electricCurrentExp 0
    lengthExp 0
    luminousIntensityExp 0
    massExp 0
    thermodynamicTemperatureExp 0
    timeExp 1
steghoja commented 2 years ago

It's indeed the formatter that needs to be extended. I have added the code below (took me lots of debugging to figure out) and now have at least some linebreaks in the the generated code. What I do not know yet is how to deal with the attributes. The code I am currently using fails for most of them. Maybe because they are empty? In any case, the regionFor.feature() method returns null, even though the feature exists.

Itemis has an example for their whitespace-aware language but it's not documented and I find it hard to map to our much more complicated (and nested) language.

    def dispatch void format(EAElement obj, extension IFormattableDocument doc) {
        if (obj === null) {
        } else {
            if (obj instanceof Identifiable) {

    def dispatch void format(EAPackageableElement obj, extension IFormattableDocument doc) {
        if (obj === null) {
        } else {
steghoja commented 2 years ago

The current version is able to convert correct EAXML to EAtxt and vice versa. There are some remaining issues: