blepping / ComfyUI-bleh

ComfyUI nodes collection: better TAESD previews (including batch previews), improved HyperTile and Deep Shrink nodes
Apache License 2.0
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Add pyproject.toml for Custom Node Registry #6

Open haohaocreates opened 6 months ago

haohaocreates commented 6 months ago

We are working with and comfyanon to build a global registry for custom nodes (similar to PyPI). Eventually, the registry will be used as a backend for the UI-manager. All nodes go through a verification process before being published to users.

The main benefits are that authors can

Action Required:

If you want to publish the node manually, install the cli and run comfy node publish

Check out our docs if you want to know more about the registry. Otherwise, feel free to message me on discord at haohao_81202 or join our server if you have any questions!

haohaocreates commented 5 months ago

hey @blepping, wanted to send a small nudge and ask if you had any questions!

haohaocreates commented 5 months ago

@blepping, wondering if there's any way we can support you on this PR!

blepping commented 5 months ago


@blepping, wondering if there's any way we can support you on this PR!

i really apologize for the slow reply and i appreciate the offer to help! basically i can only sign up for the registry associating a github or google account and i'd only be willing to do that with a throwaway account: i don't like not being in control of how my information gets used/shared. so i need to sign up for a new email somewhere and make a new github account, basically boring administrative stuff to be able to do more boring administrative stuff. the kind of thing i love to procrastinate about, and i'm already bad about procrastination.

i plan to do it, eventually, but i am trying to finish up some other stuff first which is taking longer than expected. not sure if leaving it open is taking up brain space for you or anything, if you prefer you can close it (not saying you should or anything, totally up to you).

haohaocreates commented 4 months ago


@blepping, wondering if there's any way we can support you on this PR!

i really apologize for the slow reply and i appreciate the offer to help! basically i can only sign up for the registry associating a github or google account and i'd only be willing to do that with a throwaway account: i don't like not being in control of how my information gets used/shared. so i need to sign up for a new email somewhere and make a new github account, basically boring administrative stuff to be able to do more boring administrative stuff. the kind of thing i love to procrastinate about, and i'm already bad about procrastination.

i plan to do it, eventually, but i am trying to finish up some other stuff first which is taking longer than expected. not sure if leaving it open is taking up brain space for you or anything, if you prefer you can close it (not saying you should or anything, totally up to you).

hey @blepping wanted to send a friendly poke to see if there is anything I could help with :)

blepping commented 4 months ago

thanks for the offer. slowwwly making progress toward this stuff. don't worry, i didn't forget.