bleroy / Nwazet.Commerce

Idiomatic commerce module for Orchard CMS.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Inventory synchronization #113

Closed MatteoPiovanelli-Laser closed 7 years ago

MatteoPiovanelli-Laser commented 7 years ago

based on #101 I wrote code to synchronize the inventory across products with the same sku (as a feature that needs activating).

This PR as of now is not complete. For example, it still needs the method to verify that inventories are "fine" when activating the feature, and I think this PR as it is would break some tests (I haven't checked) because I changed the constructors of some controllers.

However, I am putting this out there to allow reviewing what's already there.

MatteoPiovanelli-Laser commented 7 years ago

I think this feature is complete as it is in the PR.

bleroy commented 7 years ago

I can't merge it right now: there are conflicts.

MatteoPiovanelli-Laser commented 7 years ago

Fixed conflicts by merging master back in

bleroy commented 7 years ago

Still has conflicts, maybe because I just merged another of your PRs.

MatteoPiovanelli-Laser commented 7 years ago

Yes. Those are from the double-to-decimal pr. I'll fix those and upgrade the handler from there to use the product services

MatteoPiovanelli-Laser commented 7 years ago

I updated things to use the services.