bleroy / Nwazet.Commerce

Idiomatic commerce module for Orchard CMS.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
26 stars 21 forks source link

UI considerations #116

Open MatteoPiovanelli-Laser opened 7 years ago

MatteoPiovanelli-Laser commented 7 years ago

This concerns BundlePart and ProductAttributesPart Editor views. If there are several items of the "contained" type, their views are not very friendly. Maybe there could be TypePart settings, or a feature, to enable different UI. I am thinking about something like the autocomplete for taxonomies, or maybe a sort of faceted search (maybe only front-end side, so all items would be passe to the view, as they are now, and the view would filter them).

Any thoughts on this?