bleroy / Nwazet.Commerce

Idiomatic commerce module for Orchard CMS.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Territories: Localization #144

Open MatteoPiovanelli-Laser opened 6 years ago

MatteoPiovanelli-Laser commented 6 years ago

Add a feature the make localization of territories simple. Something that should happen through this feature, for example:

Copying from the original issue for Territories: "Localizable hierarchy should mean localizable territories. Also, it should be impossible to hit "new translation" on a territory if the hierarchy does not have a different localiaztion that does not have the translation for that territory. Moreover, hitting "new translation" on the hierarchy should create all the localized contentitems for the territories (actually, saving the localization should do that)."

khoshroomahdi commented 6 years ago

localization is important for e-commerce module. I can help with my can i help?

MatteoPiovanelli-Laser commented 6 years ago

hello. What I referred to in this issue was the automated creation of contents during localization, and the other controls to on the one hand prevent the creation of "wrong" localizations, and on the other hand manage and simplify the cretion of "correct" localizations. One of the goal is to ensure that the hierarchical relationships are mantained